
Docker container for the famous TeamSpeak 3 SinusBot by Michael Friese.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Docker Repository on Quay.io

Image available from:

Docker Image with Sinusbot by Michael Friese. TeamSpeak 3 SinusBot Homepage: https://sinusbot.com/.

Current version:

Sinusbot: latest beta (>=0.9.16-10f0fad)
TeamSpeak: (this version is required for Sinusbot)


  • Debian Jessie with the latest version of Sinusbot
  • You can inject your data into the container
    • /data


Updating the image

Run the below command, to update the image to the latest version:

docker pull quay.io/galexrt/sinusbot:latest


The default UID of the user which is used in the container is 3000. So if you mount a directory from your host you have to set the permission to the user with the UID of 3000.

useradd -u 3000 sinusbot
mkdir -p /opt/docker/sinusbot/data /opt/docker/sinusbot/scripts
chown -R sinusbot:sinusbot /opt/docker/sinusbot/data /opt/docker/sinusbot/scripts

Or if you dont want to create an user just use

mkdir -p /opt/docker/sinusbot/data /opt/docker/sinusbot/scripts
chown -R 3000:3000 /opt/docker/sinusbot

Or just use the built-in variables to the run command to change the user and/or group id to an existing or non existing user: The variables need to be an user/group id not the username:


Mount host directory

docker run \
    --name sinusbot \
    -d \
    -v /opt/docker/sinusbot/data:/sinusbot/data \
    -v /opt/docker/sinusbot/scripts:/sinusbot/scripts \
    -p 8087:8087 \


If your host uses SELinux it may be necessary to use the :z option:

docker run \
    --name sinusbot \
    -d \
    -v /opt/docker/sinusbot/data:/sinusbot/data:z \
    -v /opt/docker/sinusbot/scripts:/sinusbot/scripts:z \
    -p 8087:8087 \

Getting Sinusbot image


Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the container name or ID of the Sinusbot container and check the output for the password of Sinusbot (The password will only be shown on the first run of Sinusbot).

docker logs CONTAINER_NAME

With LOGPATH set

Replace CONTAINER_NAME with the container name or ID and LOGPATH with set value, in the following command:


Extra info

  • Shell access while the container is running: docker exec -it sinusbot /bin/bash
  • To monitor the logs in realtime or if you need to grab your sinusbot password: docker logs -f sinusbot
  • Upgrade Youtube-dl to the latest version: docker restart sinusbot or via shell access youtube-dl -U (Normally not needed! A restart of the container updates youtube-dl too)