
My IRC bot, come visit in ##vbot on Freenode

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


vbot is an IRC bot meant to be quick and modular. Basic functionality is handled with a group of core functions, and the rest of the functionality is implemented using plugins.

Better docs are coming soon (hopefully), but for now, here's an overview:


All commands and factoids must be prefixed with a trigger key. Currently the trigger key can be either ., `, or !


All commands are documented below, along with requirements, notes and other things. command/othercommand means those are aliases, and typing either .command or .othercommand will give the same result.



  • ciu/caniuse <feature> Returns info from caniuse about a feature
  • searchciu <text> Searches for different features



  • js <code> A JavaScript interpreter.
  • bf <code> A brainfuck interpreter.
  • php <code> A PHP interpreter.
  • perl <code> Perl interpreter
  • rb <code> Ruby interpreter
  • py <code> Python 2 interpreter
  • py3 <code> Python 3 interpreter

Requirements: Needs the hsbrainfuck, perl, php5-cli, ruby, python, python3 packages installed for the respective interpreters to work

Notes: This is meant to be used for simple one-line scripts and small outputs. All newlines will be replaced by a space to prevent flooding



  • learn <key> = <value> Stores the factoid in a json file, when someone types .key the bot will reply with value.
  • alias <newkey> > <key> Aliases a key to a factoid.
  • forget <key> Removes key from file

Requirements: Needs a factoids.json file in the factoidserv directory

Note: For security, since there is no auth system, these commands are disabled in PM.

Also, factoids are called in the same way triggers are. The bot will look for a trigger first, then a factoid.



  • l/lucky/g/google <text> Returns the first google result for a search term
  • mdn <text> Returns the first MDN result
  • wpd <text> Returns the first WebPlatform Docs result



  • v/validate <url> Returns HTML validation info from the W3 Validator.



  • tell/msg/memo <nick> <message> Stores the message and will relay when the nick joins next
  • join If someone accidentally memos you when you're online, this will force a relay of messages for you

Note: These are only stored in memory, so they will be lost if the bot terminates



  • ping Bot replies pong
  • lmgtfy Gives an lmgtfy link
  • bot Replies I am a bot :)


Commands: s/shorten <url> Returns a goo.gl shortened url


Commands: w/wolfram <query> Returns the result from wolfram

Requirements: Needs the node module libxmljs to be installed

Also needs a WolframAlpha API key in the profile as wolframKey: 'AAAAA-AAAAAAAA'

##Make your own plugins

All plugins follow the same format. They are Objects, and each plugin is constructed when the bot starts. The constructor is passed the main bot object, and each plugin registered a command keyword using bot.register_command(listener, function), where listener is a string the bot listens for, and function is the function that is called when the listener is triggered.

When a function is called by a listener, it is given context and text parameters. context contains information about the command, and has these properties:

  • context.sender The nick that triggered the command
  • context.intent The nick the command is intended for. If the command had @ nick at the end, it will reply to that nick, otherwise it is the same ascontext.sender
  • context.channel The channel the command came from. If its a PM, this will be a nick.
  • context.bot The main bot object, for sending messages and other helper functions.

text is a string of the text after the command.

context.bot.send_message(channel, message[, intent]) is the main way to send messages to the channel/PM. channel is the channel to send it to, normally context.channel. message is the text to send. The optional sender will prefix the message with nick: .


All settings are stored in a profile.js file in the top level

module.exports = {
	host: 'chat.freenode.net',
	port: 6697, //vbot uses TLS only
	user: 'yournick',
	nick: 'yournick',
	real: 'yournick',

	password: 'yourpass', //This will be sent to NickServ, not the server

	channels: [

    //Add and remove plugins here. Only the ones here will be loaded
    plugins: {
        caniuse: require('./plugins/caniuse/index.js'),
        eval: require('./plugins/eval/index.js'),
        factoidserv: require('./plugins/factoidserv/index.js'),
        feelinglucky: require('./plugins/feelinglucky/index.js'),
        htmlvalidator: require('./plugins/htmlvalidator/index.js'),
        memo: require('./plugins/memo/index.js'),
        std: require('./plugins/std/index.js'),
        urlshortener: require('./plugins/urlshortener/index.js'),
        wolfram: require('./plugins/wolfram/index.js')

    //By default, vbot logs all other messages to stdout. Any commands matched here won't be logged.
    noLog: ["NICK", "PART", "QUIT", 372, 375],

    wolframKey: 'AAAAAA-AAAAAAA', //Only if you're using wolfram plugin

    logger: {
        logFile: './message.log'