
Hello my name is Chris and I wanted a new approach to onboarding new users into the ecosystem.

Thr first gateway into the ecosystem is usually Tokens and NFTs. I wanted show curious new users how to make thier own.

I used ApeWorX framework to build my templates. It is built in python so it come with all the python tools at your disposal.


The templates are built with cookiecutter. A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template.

The template allows the user to set and personalize thier own project. Unlike Wizard OpenZepplin, the template will create the folder hieracrchy and test scripts to show the user how to test thier contract.

Once the user personalize thier project. You can interact with the contract with an Ipython CLI to make sure all the methods valid.

Once the user is comfortable with the contract. You can deploy the contract within ApeWorX Framework to any chain you like.

This is when the user will be the most excited. You can manually deploy the contract on any network and mint or transfer any tokens or NFT to any wallet.

Having something tangible is important to show the user . THEY DID IT! :)

My next steps that will take multiple days is to teach what all the methods mean in realtion to EIP-20, 721, 4626, etc.

ERC20 Tokens and ERC721 NFTS

These tempaltes are ready to play with. A live demo is needed!


This is was a reach goal. Once the user understands ERC20. The next building block is to teach Yield Bearing Vaults.

This is not ready for public use. It only a POC to show it can be done in Vyper and Solidity. More work is requried to make it a teaching milestone.