
A program that simulates humanity. Squares represent humans and they interact with each other according to various social forces and environments

Primary LanguageJava


A program that simulates humanity. Squares represent humans and they interact with each other according to various social forces and environments.

TO-DO List

  • Implement vision areas to improve movement
  • Make Social force and Relationship interfaces
  • Improve documentation and create a wiki to make contribution easier
  • Improve structure of code so it's easier to create and implement new Social forces, Relationships, and Environments
  • Create a debug tool which can be used to monitor the stats of any character in the world

Current Features

  • The world is autopopulated with male and female characters.
    • They are randomly spawned in the world and their gender is decided randomly, but a 50/50 ratio will try to be maintained.
  • The social force for marriage has been created.
    • Currently it's very crude, characters get married according to the number of collisions they've had and only heterosexual marriages are allowed
    • A Social Force affects characters through Relationships, a relationship is an object "shared" between all the characters in the relationship. It holds variables and uses its Social Force's onCollision and onFrame methods.
  • Basic environments have been created
    • GoodHealth environments and BadHealth environment exist, both implement the Environment interface. Characters will leave a BadHealth environment if they're spawned in one and head to the nearest GoodHealth environment. Characters start off knowing the location of all environments in the world.
  • Basic movement algorithim has been created.
    • Characters currently have two movements algorithims, the proper algorithim to use is chosen based on a master algorithim in the character's chooseMove method. Default movement is chosen if in a GoodHealth environment. Default movement simply moves the characters randomly within a 5x5 area.