
A framework on which to build your dotfiles

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Full Stop

Rather than following a "fork and change" model for dotfiles, this repository provides tooling and conventions to be included in your own dotfiles as a git subtree or submodule.

The idea is to keep the utilities which manage your dotfiles separate from the content of the dotfiles themselves. In this way, we should be able to re-use, share, and improve the tooling much more easily, independent of our individual environment preferences.

The approach taken is based on Zach Holman's excellent dotfiles.

What does Full Stop do for me?

After you include Full Stop in your dotfiles, just run the included full-stop script. Using your configuration it will:

  • create symlinks in your $HOME
  • install dependencies
  • configure OS settings
  • modify your shell environment
  • and much, much more

You can re-run full-stop anytime you want to update your configuration and dependencies.

What do I need to do to use Full Stop?

Full Stop defines a couple of simple conventions for how your dotfiles configuration should be laid out and specified.

System dependencies

Create a Brewfile in your dotfiles repository. This is a list of applications for Homebrew Cask to install.


To add new executables to your $PATH, create a ./bin directory in your dotfiles repository and put the scripts or binaries in there.

Other configuration and dependencies

Full Stop uses holman's idea of topic areas. For each logical topic that you have configuration or dependencies for, just create a directory in your dotfiles repository with a descriptive name. For example, you might have directories called ruby, node, vim, atom, etc..

Full Stop follows some simple rules when processing the files in these directories:

  • files named setup.sh will be run as part of the full-stop command, they're normally used to install software and set OS configuration
  • other files named like my-script.sh will be sourced into the environment of every new shell (see the shell_integrations directory)
  • files named like my-file.symlink will by symlinked to $HOME/.my-file
  • files named like a-directory/a-file.symlink will by symlinked to $HOME/.a-directory/a-file

Example of symlinking:

~/.dotfiles $ tree .
├── topic_A
│   └── a-configuration-file.symlink
└── topic_B
    └── config_directory
        └── a-nested-file.symlink

~/.dotfiles $ full-stop/script/full-stop

~/.dotfiles $ tree -a $HOME
├── [...]
├── .a-configuration-file -> /Users/goodgravy/.dotfiles/topic_A/a-configuration-file.symlink
└── .config_directory
    └── a-nested-file -> /Users/goodgravy/.dotfiles/topic_B/config_directory/a-nested-file.symlink


First, create your dotfiles repository:

mkdir ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
git init
echo > Brewfile
git add Brewfile
git commit -m 'Initial commit'

Then, add Full Stop as a git submodule (subtrees also work, but come with some problems):

git submodule add git@github.com:goodgravy/full-stop.git full-stop

Then, run the full-stop script:


On the first run, this won't do much. Add some configuration following the Full Stop conventions to really get going!

You can re-run the full-stop script whenever you want to update your dependencies, or if you have changed your dotfiles configuration and want to apply the changes.

If you want to benefit from upstream changes to Full Stop, just update the submodule:

git submodule update --remote


You can find my dotfiles (which use Full Stop as described above) in goodgravy/dotfiles.

I want to create a ~/.bashrc file


~/.dotfiles $ mkdir bash
~/.dotfiles $ touch bash/bashrc.symlink
~/.dotfiles $ ./full-stop/script/full-stop
  [ .. ] brew update
  [ .. ] installing dotfiles
  [ OK ] linked /Users/goodgravy/.dotfiles/bash/bashrc.symlink to /Users/goodgravy/.bashrc
  [ OK ] Full Stop complete
~/.dotfiles $ tree -a $HOME
├── [...]
└── .bashrc -> /Users/goodgravy/.dotfiles/bash/bashrc.symlink

I want to create a ~/.config/nvim/ directory


~/.dotfiles $ mkdir -p neovim/config/nvim.symlink
~/.dotfiles $ touch neovim/config/nvim.symlink/init.vim
~/.dotfiles $ ./full-stop/script/full-stop
  [ .. ] brew update
  [ OK ] linked /Users/goodgravy/.dotfiles/neovim/config/nvim.symlink to /Users/goodgravy/.config/nvim
  [ OK ] Full Stop complete

~/.dotfiles $ tree -l ~/.config/
└── nvim -> /Users/goodgravy/.dotfiles/neovim/config/nvim.symlink
    └── init.vim

As you can see, Full Stop doesn't care if your symlinks are files or directories, and it can create symlinks inside of "dot directories" as well as dotfiles directly in $HOME (e.g. inside the ~/.config directory as shown above).