
send request using a proxy server from proxy list

Primary LanguageHTML

Animal Contest vote cheat


It's a little program need for cheat votes for a child animal contest(i've coded it for my sister).

It's possible because website check only your ip address for voting, and i used a socks5 proxy servers to bypass protection contest Actually this program just send request using a proxy server from proxy list


  1. Cheat voting for "vote id"
url = 'example-website.com'
ip = ['proxy ips from .txt file']

requests.get(url, proxies=dict(http = 'socks5://'+ip, https = 'socks5://'+ip))
  1. Cheat voting with Tor

  2. Generating proxy ip list from html file of 'http://spys.one/proxies/'

  with open('socks.html', encoding='utf-8') as f: 
      html = f.read()                              
  proxyfile = open('proxy.txt', 'w')              
  soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')     
  for script in soup.find_all('script'):
  for i in soup.find_all('tr', 'spy1xx'):          
      ips = i.find_next('font','spy14')              
      if ips not in content:                       
          print(ips.get_text() + ':1080')
          print(ips.get_text() + ':1080', file=proxyfile)
  1. Deleting list of used proxy ips(just in case)
          print('Already deleted..')
  1. Collecting information about contest members
for i in lots:                                        
      member = i.find('p', 'who').get_text()                
      votes = i.find('p', 'compe_comment').get_text()       
      votes = votes.replace(' | Голосую', '')              
      votes = int(votes.replace('Голосов: ', ''))       
          link = i.find(text='Голосую').parent.get('href')   
          link = link.replace('/competition/vote/', '')      
          link = link.replace('/', '')                        
      except AttributeError:                                
          link = lang.get('outlinkMembers')
      if not link in allready or link == lang.get('outlinkMembers'):
          member = link + ': ' + member                   
          memDict = {member : votes}                 
          members += 1                                        
          print(tui.updScore(lang.get('memMembers'), members, 0), end='\r')
  1. Open contest website
          tui.ul(['"Мохнатые, пернатые" - 277'])
          contest = input('Введи номер конкурса: ') 
          if contest.isnumeric() and len(contest):
              url = 'https://stolicadetstva.com/competition/work/' + contest
              webbrowser.open(url, new=0, autoraise=True)

Screenshot of the website

Additional info


easyTui it's my module for easy TUI in my programs

Alpha version NO MORE UPDATES

this is my first version of this cheat. It's uses a Tor browser with subprocess module. It's bad but it my first program

for i in range(n):
   x = 0
   while x < len(links):
       x += 1
       time = random.randint(50,65)
       while time > 0:
           tui.updatingScore('До закрытия браузера', time, 1)
           time -= 1
       subprocess.run(['TASKKILL', '/F', '/IM', 'firefox.exe'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
       classi += 1
       print('\a', end = '')