myprintf - custom Printf program by Inès & Antonin

version 1.0 [release date:]: # Date: 2024-03-28

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 ████████  ████████  ████  ████████   ███████    ░███ ░░░
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1. Overview of the Project

The printf() Function: A Versatile Tool in Programming

  • Purpose: The printf() function is instrumental in outputting a wide array of data types, including characters, strings, floats, integers, octal, and hexadecimal values, to the standard output stream.

  • Functionality:

    • It facilitates the display of variable values and expression results.
    • It enables formatted output, enhancing text presentation and readability.
    • The function aligns each placeholder in the provided string with corresponding arguments, creating structured and formatted output.
  • Utility:

    • Feedback: The return value of printf(), which indicates the number of characters printed, is crucial for debugging and validating output processes.
    • Applications: Incorporating printf() in your programming endeavors allows for nuanced data representation, ensuring clear communication and interaction with the end-user.
  • Code Example:

printf("Hello, World! %d", 2024);

2. Features

Feature Release Version
Support a wide range of format specifiers 1.0
Customizable output stream 1.0
Configurable buffer size 1.1
Error handling for invalid format strings 1.1
Easily extensible for additional format specifiers 1.1

3. Repository files

Name Description
main.h includes prototypes and structres
myprintf.c _printf: main custom printf function
print_func.c custom printing functions
get_print_func.c call the right function at the right time and deal with cases (escapes, specifiers) while browsing the pointer *format
_putchar.c emulates the putchar function
man_3_printf man page

4. Install

Vim Logo Ubuntu Logo C Logo

  • Language: C
  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Editor: VIM 8.2
  • Compiler: gcc 11.4.0
  • -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu89 -Wno-format
  • Style guidelines: Betty style

To install execute in terminal the following command:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'holberton-printf'...

To compile execute in terminal the make command folowing of any of the targets:

  • all: compile all files

Example of use:

$ make all
gcc -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -std=gnu89 -Wno-format *.c test/main.c -o printf

Execute the program:

$ ./printf
Let's try to printf a simple sentence.
Let's try to printf a simple sentence.
Length:[39, 39]
Length:[39, 39]
Unsigned octal:[20000001777]
Unsigned octal:[20000001777]
Unsigned hexadecimal:[800003ff, 800003FF]
Unsigned hexadecimal:[800003ff, 800003FF]
String:[I am a string !]
String:[I am a string !]

5. Supported Format Specifiers

Specifier characters at the end define the type and the interpretation of its corresponding argument:

Specifier Output Release Version
c character Version 1.0
s string Version 1.0
b binary Version 1.0
% % Version 1.0
d or i Signed integer Version 1.0
R Rot translation Version 1.2
r string reverse Version 1.2
b Binary conversion Version 1.1
o octal conversion Version 1.3
u unsigned conversion Version 1.4


Test folder contain the main failes to test the functions.


_printf functions examples:

_printf("char: [%c]\n", 'K');
char: [K]
printf("string: [%s]\n", "Hello world !");
Output: string: [Hello world !]
_printf("integer: [%i]\n", 87);
Output: integer: [87]
_printf("decimal: [%d]\n", 1987);
Output: decimal: [1987]
_printf("binary: [%b]\n", 98);
Output: binary: [1100010]
_printf("octal [%o]\n", 92);
Output: octal [134]
_printf("Percent: [%%%%]\n");
Output: Percent: [%%]
_printf("Reverse: [%r]\n", "I love Coding!");
Output: Reverse: [!gnidoc evol I]

8. Manual

To get help about the printf function ask the manual pages on the terminal:

man ./man_3_printf

9. Flowchart


10. About authors

Antonin Inès