
My video game graphics project for EUAS, 2021

Primary LanguageHTML


👀 Girl on a weeb podium 👀


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Game Graphics Course

Video Game Graphics course for Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences, 2021

This repository contains a webpage, from where there will be links for each of my assignments, my final project as well as lecture materials.

Tools used:

  • Editor: VSCodium
  • Backend: WebGL
  • Frontend: PicoGL (JavaScript)
  • 3D Modelling: Blender

To get started

  1. Install NodeJS
    Will be using this to get code dependencies

  2. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/NippleOfAnApe/game-graphics-course-2021.git

  3. Open cloned repo in VSCode

  4. Get code dependencies:

    npm install

  5. Install VSCode "Live Server" extension. Click "Go Live" button in VSCode bottom bar to start a local web server

  6. Open link in Chrome http://localhost:5500