Orientation Estimation using Unscented Kalman Filter

In this project, I have implemented Unscented Kalman filter to track three dimensional orientation. This means to estimate the underlying 3D orientation by learning the appropriate model parameters from ground truth data given by a Vicon motion capture system, given IMU sensor readings from gyroscopes and accelerometers. Then be able to generate a real-time panoramic image from camera images using the 3D orientation filter.

  • Tested on: Kubuntu 16.04.3, Intel i5-4200U (4) @ 2.600GHz 4GB
  • Python 2.7, OpenCV 3.2

Challenge Description

  • The first part of the problem was to calculate bias and scale parameters for the accelerometer and gyroscope readings.
  • Convert IMU readings to quaternions.
  • Implement UKF.
  • Perform Image Stitching.

Unscented Kalman filter

Process Model

  • The UKF implementation was done using only orientation(gyroscope) in the state vector as the control input: q = [q0, q1, q2, q3]T .
  • Initialize P (Covariance matrix) as size of 3x3. Similarly, R and Q. R is measurement noise and Q is process noise.
  • After Kalman filter predict step, new P and state vector q are obtained, which are the used for update step.
  • Then Sigma Points are obtained by Cholesky decomposition of (P+Q).

Motion Model

  • This step deals with updating P and getting new mean state q. Which then leads to obtaining new Sigma Points. This new sigma points are used to calculate multiple covariances, like Pzz, Pxz, and Pvv.
  • The next step involves computing K (Kalman Gain) = Pxz Pvv-1 and I (Innovation term) = Accelerometer reading – Mean of Sigma Points
  • These are used to calculate the P and q for the next stage.


Roll-Pitch-Yaw Vicon Stitch Estimated Orientation Stitch
Test Dataset Roll-Pitch-Yaw Estimated Orientation Stitch

Stitching in action

Vicon Stitch Estimated Orientation Stitch



Training Dataset

Test Dataset

Place the cam data in "cam" folder, vicon data in "vicon" folder and imu data in "imu" folder.

  • Run ukf.py to calculate the predicted values for q state vectors.

    • Outputs of Roll, Pitch and Yaw for predicted vs vicon data will be in folder --> 'Results' with RPY prefix.
    • Outputs of stitching will be in folder --> 'Results' with 'Pano' prefix.

    NOTE - All variables to toggle stitching, change dataset and change stitching medium(vicon/imu) are in 'ukf.py' at beginning.

  • quat_helper.py contains neccessarry functions for quaternion state vector manipulation.
