
Plots the live path of a robot fitted with GPS tracker through Arduino on GMaps API

Primary LanguagePython


This application plots the live path of a rover fitted GPS tracker through Arduino on a GMaps API. Developed so that we can ensure the rover is following a certain trajectory in autonomous navigation task at IRC. The following are the characterstics of this project:

  • Server-Client Architecture
    • Arduino scripts (in C++) to send properly formatted location coordinates of the rover
    • WebSocket to connect to Arduino (written in Python) and fetch current latitude and longitude of rover which also continuosly listens for connections
    • Client side webapp which connects to a ip and initiates websocket asking for live location and plots it in real time. Note: API key is outdated now. The following caveats have to be followed:
  • Rover should have a static IP address
  • Special points are set of way points through which the rover has to traverse

How to run the application

  1. Upload the Arduino scripts inside Arduino_GPS_code to the Arduino Board
  2. Run websocket-trial.py on the on-board computer
python3 websocket-trial.py
  1. Open index.html on your client computer and enter the required information

The following is an image of the application, the rover is in storage and there is no way t obtain a working screenshot now, meanwhile please make do with a connectionless front-end: image of the web-app