
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lab #1: Children

Your job in this lab is to build four components: TabGroup, Tab, TabTitle and TabContent. These four components should be used like so:

		<TabTitle>Some title</TabTitle>
		<TabContent>Some content</TabContent>
		<TabTitle>Some title</TabTitle>
		<TabContent>Some content</TabContent>
		<TabTitle>Some title</TabTitle>
		<TabContent>Some content</TabContent>

The TabTitle of each tab should always be visible, but the content should only be shown when the tab is selected by clicking on the title.


You should not use any CSS tricks to make this happen, we want to see a pure JavaScript solution. (brownie points for making it look good, though)

The TabGroup needs to manage the tab selection. The trick is to pass two properties down to each Tab:

  • selected (Boolean): Is this the selected tab
  • onClick (Function): When called should select the tab that the call came from

The Tab itself then needs to render its Title and Content, making sure to always show the Title, calling props.onClick when that is pressed and only show the Content when props.selected is true.


If you finish this exercise early, you can try enforcing that the TabGroup only has Tab components as children, and that the Tab component only has TabTitle and TabContent (and each only once) as children!