Monitoring DHT22 with prometheus and grafana


Wiring DHT22, RPI wiring


Run setup and start the sensor code as a service

  • What does this script do ?

    • install dependencies
    • move the dht_exporter.service to systemd/system
    • enable and start the service
  • you can check if the metrics are being reported properly by hitting PI_IP:8001/metrics

  • You should see the metrics in the response

# TYPE dht_temperature gauge
dht_temperature{room="office_room"} 26.4
# HELP dht_humidity Relative Humidity in percent
# TYPE dht_humidity gauge
dht_humidity{room="office_room"} 39.4

Run grafana and prometheus with docker

  • Before starting up prometheus make sure to update the PROMETHEUS_IP in the prometheus/targets.json file with the IP of the raspberry pi where the prometheus exporter is running
  • After both of them are running add the prometheus instance as a datasource in grafana.
  • Then you should be able to create graphs using those metrics