Prometheus Stock Exporter

  • A prometheus exporter than exposes live stock prices as prometheus metrics.
  • The stocks to be tracked can be added to the config.json file


  • Run it with docker (recomended)

    • docker build -t stock-expoter .
    • docker run -d -p 2112:2112 stock-expoter
  • The metrics should be visible on http://localhost:2112/metrics

  • Example output

stock_tracker{ticker="AMC"} 8.03
stock_tracker{ticker="AZN"} 47.71
stock_tracker{ticker="ICLN"} 22.97
stock_tracker{ticker="IUSG"} 87.57
stock_tracker{ticker="LAC"} 15.05
stock_tracker{ticker="LIACF"} 2.04
stock_tracker{ticker="LIT"} 59.47
stock_tracker{ticker="LUV"} 56.885
stock_tracker{ticker="TSLA"} 595.805
stock_tracker{ticker="VTI"} 201
stock_tracker{ticker="WORK"} 40


  • Visualized on Grafana grafana