The Question Paper Generator has been made to allow professors to generate question papers with random but enough questions to cover most chapters of a subject with specified difficulty and cognitive level and mail paper directly to the examiner in PDF format.
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Unittest for invalid question type
#276 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
Create wiki pages
#141 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
update urllib3 to >=1.24.2 in requirements.txt
#274 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
Add login user selenium test
#64 opened by Dgohel11 - 0
List course user selenium test
#65 opened by sarthak20shah - 0
Add register user selenium test
#60 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 1
Add course user selenium test
#62 opened by Dgohel11 - 0
Forgot password selenium test
#63 opened by Dgohel11 - 1
List questions selenium test
#66 opened by sarthak20shah - 1
Add questions selenium test
#67 opened by sarthak20shah - 1
Update question selenium test
#68 opened by sarthak20shah - 1
Set IMP flag to question selenium test
#69 opened by Dgohel11 - 0
Create a deployment diagram for this project
#140 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 1
Send application/json instead of serializing json on url route in imp and delete questions
#151 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 1
After deleting question we get empty screen
#133 opened by jeel2308 - 1
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- 0
When we update question difficulty level always shows "easy" value and cognitive level always shows "application" no matter what are the current values
#132 opened by jeel2308 - 0
unittest for users class
#41 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As a professor I want to be able to see every question (MCQ, subjective etc.) added by me with marks, type and difficulty so that I can review it.
#12 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As a professor I want to add different types of questions(MCQ, subjective etc.) so that I can make creative question papers.
#11 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 5
As an professor I want to add/remove courses so that professor can be allocated to the courses
#17 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 2
As a professor I want to mark some questions as IMP questions so that it will be included in the question paper.
#5 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As a professor I want to delete questions so that I can generate question papers according to the syllabus.
#8 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As a professor I want to update marks or difficulty of questions so that I can adapt changes for the next exam.
#7 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As a professor I want to be able to see every subjective question I added with marks, type and difficulty so that I can review it.
#6 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As an admin I want to add the examiner's email id so that examiner can get mail of generated papers.
#18 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
add unittest for update question
#19 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
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add unittest for imp function
#20 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As a professor I want to add subjective questions so that I can generate question paper according to the syllabus.
#1 opened by Niraj-Kamdar - 0
As a professor I want to specify the mark and difficulty of each question when adding so that I can generate question paper according to these criteria.
#2 opened by Niraj-Kamdar