- A small C# console application to create a unique hardware hash.
- Requires .NET Framework 4.8!
- Following details are used in order to calculate a id:
• BIOS = Win32_BIOS, Manufacturer, SMBIOSBIOSVersion, IdentificationCode.
• CPU = Win32_Processor, ProcessorId, UniqueId, Name.
• HDD = Win32_DiskDrive, Model, TotalHeads.
• GPU = Win32_VideoController, DriverVersion, Name.
• MAC = Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration, MACAddress.
• OS = Win32_OperatingSystem, SerialNumber, Name.
• SCSI = Win32_SCSIController, DeviceID, Name.
- After build, the following files must be in the same directory otherwise it will not work!
• Figgle.dll
• Figgle.xml
• HWID Builder.exe