
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Face Recognition System Documentation


This document provides an overview and usage instructions for a face recognition system implemented in Python. The system consists of three main components:

  1. Face Dataset Creation: Captures facial images and organizes them into a dataset.
  2. Recognizer Training: Trains a face recognizer using the created dataset.
  3. Real-time Face Recognition: Utilizes the trained recognizer to perform face recognition in real-time.


1. Face Dataset Creation

Class: CreateDataset

  • Attributes:

    • face_cascade_path: Path to the Haar Cascade XML file for face detection.
    • face_id: Initial face ID for labeling captured images.
    • face_images_per_id: Number of face images to capture per ID.
    • face_counter: Initial face counter.
    • dataset_folder: Path to the main dataset folder.
  • Methods:

    • detect_faces(img, gray): Detects faces in a given image.
    • draw_rectangles_and_save_images(img, gray, faces, subfolder): Draws rectangles around detected faces, saves images, and displays them.
    • start_capturing(): Initiates the face capturing process.


face_dataset_creator = CreateDataset(


2. Recognizer Training

Class: FaceTrainer

  • Attributes:

    • data_path: Path to the dataset folder.
    • trainer_folder: Path to the folder where the trained recognizer will be saved.
    • cascade_path: Path to the Haar Cascade XML file for face detection.
    • recognizer: LBPH Face Recognizer.
    • detector: Cascade Classifier for face detection.
  • Methods:

    • _get_image_id(image_path): Extracts the face ID from an image path.
    • _get_images_and_labels(): Processes images from the dataset and extracts face samples and corresponding IDs.
    • train_recognizer(): Trains the LBPH Face Recognizer.


face_trainer = FaceTrainer(data_path=args.dataset_path)
if face_trainer.train_recognizer():
    print("Recognizer trained successfully!")
    print("Failed to train recognizer.")

3. Real-time Face Recognition

Class: RealTimeFaceRecognizer

  • Attributes:

    • dataset_path: Path to the dataset folder.
    • trainer_path: Path to the trained recognizer file.
    • cascade_path: Path to the Haar Cascade XML file for face detection.
    • recognizer: LBPH Face Recognizer.
    • face_cascade: Cascade Classifier for face detection.
    • font: Font type for displaying text.
    • names: List of names extracted from the dataset.
  • Methods:

    • get_names_from_dataset(): Retrieves names from the dataset.
    • load_recognizer(): Loads the trained recognizer.
    • detect_and_recognize_faces(img): Detects and recognizes faces in real-time.
    • start_recognition(): Initiates the real-time face recognition process.


real_time_recognizer = RealTimeFaceRecognizer(



This face recognition system provides a comprehensive solution for capturing facial data, training a recognizer, and performing real-time face recognition. Users can customize parameters and paths based on their requirements.