
Project centers around creating a Netflix clone web application and deploying it on a Kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Web application deploy into Kubernetes cluster

Understanding Kubernetes:

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

It abstracts the underlying infrastructure and provides a unified API to manage clusters of containers effectively. With Kubernetes, developers can focus on building applications without worrying about the complexities of deployment and scaling.


Step 1. Create ec2 instance and installations

Use name as you preferd i used Netflix-server

Type is (AMI- Ubuntu 22.04, Type- t2.medium)

Install updates. (sudo apt-get update)

Install Docker. Docker installation doumentaion

Give permission to Docker (sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && newgrp docker)

Minikube and Kubectl installation Install Docker. Minikube installation doumentaion

sudo docker --version

sudo minikube version

sudo Kubectl version

Step 1. Clone the repository to ec2

git clone https://github.com/NirmalNaveen20/netflix-k8.git

Step 2. Create a image and push to the docker hub

sudo docker build -t nteflix-app .

sudo docker login

Provide your docker hub credentials

Push image to the docker hub

sudo docker push <your docker hub username/netflix-app>

Step 3. Create Deployment.yml and Service.yml files for Deployments

sudo kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
sudo kubectl apply -f service.yml

Step 4. Get the URL and curl it to check the website accessibility.

sudo minikube service netflix-app --url 

check accessibility

curl -L <minikube-address>

Check with Public URL and we can now see the Netflix APP running on the server.

