
image recon stats

AlexBo924 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello Edouard,

Sorry to bother you but just had a small technical question regarding the cortical reconstruction pipeline in nirstorm. I know the maps at the end show changes in concentration but are there any "statistical" tests performed within nirstorm or option that can to be applied afterward in nirstorm) to show which changes are significant/mutliple comparison correction In the GLM pipeline, we have for example the FDR and Bonferroni options.

Thank you


Hello @AlexBo924
Unfortunately, we don't have such statistical test right now in NIRSTORM to test whether a concentration change is significant or not after source reconstruction. This is something i am starting to think about. If you have any reference of article doing such kind of test, we can discuss about them and see if they can be implemented in NIRSTORM.
