- 0
- 1
Brainstorm compilation issue
#177 opened by ftadel - 1
Can't download cplex
#233 opened by aaronjnewman - 0
[Smoothing] Compute head model from fluence
#231 opened by Edouard2laire - 0
Unit test are not working
#227 opened by Edouard2laire - 1
- 0
importing .nirs file probe array
#68 opened by ryotanishiyori - 0
Computing optimal montage
#108 opened by LizaGenke - 1
Unable to download
#217 opened by etidoni - 8
#207 opened by Edouard2laire - 1
image recon stats
#191 opened by AlexBo924 - 20
Error: Compute Voronoi volume-to-cortex interpolator
#128 opened by GuyRens - 1
- 3
Cat12 segmentation 5 tissue values
#172 opened by AlexBo924 - 5
cplex error
#183 opened by AlexBo924 - 2
How to cite NIRSTORM
#187 opened by rob-luke - 2
glm for different task duration
#182 opened by AlexBo924 - 33
NIRSTORM process('GetDescription') calls are terribly slow
#155 opened by ftadel - 1
Cortical Reconstruccion Tutorial
#80 opened by agustinroviraquezada - 2
NIRSTORM Mini Course 2020
#171 opened by ipoirot - 7
Rename functions already defined in Matlab
#125 opened by ftadel - 1
Improve template
#67 opened by thomas-vincent - 17
Move to the Brainstorm plugin manager?
#159 opened by ftadel - 1
Scale of the sensitivity model
#154 opened by GuyRens - 0
- 0
Merging two files from left and right hemisphere of the type cMEM sources - HbO | avg(5.000s,20.000s)
#156 opened by amandaspilkin - 3
'Review' on nirstorm
#136 opened by GuyRens - 2
More Generic API for GLM
#129 opened by Edouard2laire - 2
fmri activation map
#138 opened by AlexBo924 - 7
CAT12 segmentation order
#140 opened by AlexBo924 - 4
5tissue_segmentation issues
#132 opened by AlexBo924 - 4
Voronoi and head model error in workshop 2020
#131 opened by AlexBo924 - 1
Which function projects optodes onto head surface?
#137 opened by Frkle - 0
Check for negative values in dOD computation
#72 opened by RobertStojan - 2
- 0
Compute Fluence Error
#139 opened by AlexBo924 - 3
Clarification on nirs processing
#117 opened by Edouard2laire - 3
GLMs on the different level
#133 opened by GuyRens - 0
Scout selection for optical montage error
#103 opened by AlexBo924 - 4
- 9
Integration of the SNIRF reader in Brainstorm
#124 opened by ftadel - 4
Improve file organization
#90 opened by Edouard2laire - 4
Issue with segmentation
#126 opened by GuyRens - 1
Project channels on cortex
#104 opened by PeterPetersilie - 0
Compute fluence
#118 opened by AlexBo924 - 2
Head model computation
#101 opened by Edouard2laire - 0
dummy issues
#112 opened by zhengchencai - 2
dummy issue
#110 opened by zhengchencai - 9
Compute Fluences Error
#102 opened - 2
Protocol creation in Brainstorm
#94 opened by Edouard2laire