Protocol creation in Brainstorm
Edouard2laire opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello @thomas-vincent ,
I have a weird bug since yesterday. I can't create protocol in brainstorm anymore,
I 've tried to reinstall brainstorm and it was working well until I reinstall nirstorm.
Did you already had this issue ? Here is the error that I get when creating a new protocol :
`Warning: Default subject cannot be reached for this protocol.
In db_links (line 66)
In db_links (line 38)
In db_load_studies (line 166)
In db_reload_database (line 77)
In db_load_protocol (line 78)
In gui_brainstorm>SetCurrentProtocol (line 1030)
In gui_brainstorm (line 33)
In gui_edit_protocol/updateProtocolModificiations (line 180)
Warning: Default subject cannot be reached for this protocol.
In db_links (line 66)
In db_links (line 38)
In db_reload_database (line 80)
In db_load_protocol (line 78)
In gui_brainstorm>SetCurrentProtocol (line 1030)
In gui_brainstorm (line 33)
In gui_edit_protocol/updateProtocolModificiations (line 180)
Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object.
Error in db_set_template (line 40)
targetDir = bst_fullfile(ProtocolInfo.SUBJECTS, bst_fileparts(sSubject.FileName));
Error in gui_edit_protocol/updateProtocolModificiations (line 190)
db_set_template(0, sTemplate(1), 0);`