
Add, rate and locate vendors of the popular local cuisine of doubles on a customized Trinidad Google Map. Aggregrate ratings are used to rank vendors on a fair and tested Wilson Score Interval rating and these ratings are used to personally recommend you specific doubles vendors based on your preferences using a collaborative filtering model.

Primary LanguageJavaScript




  • View doubles vendors on our map, along with customer reviews!

  • Easily add vendors to the map while you're there with just a few taps and a quick pic!

  • How thick was their barra? How hot was the pepper? Release your inner doubles critic and write a review!

  • Tired of arguing about who the best doubles vendor is? We have vendor rankings based on user reviews so you can see who the people think are the top vendors in the country!

  • Based on your reviews we find other users with similar tastes so that we can suggest new vendors to you!

  • Discover and try new doubles talent with our trending page!

  • Love thin barra? Looking for the best channa? Filter the map of vendors to YOUR specific tastes!


  • Upgrade to angular 6 and ionic 4
  • Incorporate lazy loading
  • Suggestions based on location and popularity to aid with collab filtering cold start