Cloudflare AI Bot with Streaming

Technologies Used: This project uses the following technologies:

  • Next.js: A React framework for building user interfaces.
  • Supabase: An open source Firebase alternative that provides backend services.


To set up the Supabase project with Next.js, run the following command:

npx create-next-app -e with-supabase

Project Overview:

This project integrates Cloudflare AI to handle dynamic content streaming. Here are the key functionalities:

  • Streaming Responses: Utilizes Cloudflare AI to stream responses directly to the client.
  • Database Operations: All streamed data is saved in Supabase for persistent storage and retrieval.
  • Data Invalidation: Implements TanStack Query on the client-side for efficient data invalidation and cache management.

After clonning the project you can install the following dependencies with following command:

pnpm install

You need API key and User Id in order to run the cloudfare AI.

This is the cloudfare ai workers link:

You also need supabase to run locally to persist the data.

Supabase helper to run locally: