
Home for the dotnet-format command

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dotnet-format is a code formatter for dotnet that applies style preferences to a project or solution. Preferences will be read from an .editorconfig file, if present, otherwise a default set of preferences will be used. At this time dotnet-format is able to format C# and Visual Basic projects with a subset of supported .editorconfig options.

New in v4.0.130203

Breaking Changes:

  • Added an imports formatter for sorting imports.
  • Format now runs on the latest installed Runtime.
  • --check and --dry-run have combined into a single option.
  • --include and --exclude use space-separated paths instead of comma-separated.


  • Added warning to use the default argument instead of --workspace option. Use dotnet format ./format.sln instead of dotnet format -w ./format.sln
  • Added warning to use the default argument to specify the folder path when using the --folder option. Use dotnet format ./src -f instead of dotnet format -f ./src
  • Added warning to use --include instead of --files alias.
  • Added warning to use --check instead of --dry-run alias.


How To Install

The dotnet-format nuget package is published to nuget.org.

You can install the tool using the following command.

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format

Installing Development Builds

Development builds of dotnet-format are being hosted on Azure Packages. You can visit the dotnet-format Azure Packages page to get the latest version number.

You can install the tool using the following command.

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-format --version 5.0.142902 --add-source https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/dnceng/public/_packaging/dotnet-tools/nuget/v3/index.json

How To Use

Latest release v4.1.131201

By default dotnet-format will look in the current directory for a project or solution file and use that as the workspace to format. If more than one project or solution file is present in the current directory you will need to specify the workspace to format using the -w or -f options. You can control how verbose the output will be by using the -v option.

  dotnet-format <project> [options]

  --folder, -f                    Whether to treat the `<project>` path as a folder of files.
  --include <INCLUDE>             A list of relative file or folder paths to include in formatting. All files are formatted if empty.
  --exclude <EXCLUDE>             A list of relative file or folder paths to exclude from formatting.
  --check <CHECK>                 Formats files without saving changes to disk. Terminates with a non-zero exit code if any files were formatted.
  --report <REPORT>               Accepts a file path, which if provided, will produce a json report in the given directory.
  --verbosity, -v <VERBOSITY>     Set the verbosity level. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]
  --version                       Display version information

Add format after dotnet and before the command arguments that you want to run:

Examples Description
dotnet format Formats the project or solution in the current directory.
dotnet format <workspace> Formats a specific project or solution.
dotnet format <folder> -f Formats a particular folder and subfolders.
dotnet format -v diag Formats with very verbose logging.
dotnet format --include Programs.cs Utility\Logging.cs Formats the files Program.cs and Utility\Logging.cs
dotnet format --check Formats but does not save. Returns a non-zero exit code if any files would have been changed.
dotnet format --report <report-path> Formats and saves a json report file to the given directory.

Development builds v5.x

By default dotnet-format will look in the current directory for a project or solution file and use that as the workspace to format. If more than one project or solution file is present in the current directory, you will need to specify the workspace to format. You can control how verbose the output will be by using the -v option.

  dotnet-format [options] [<workspace>]

  <workspace>    A path to a solution file, a project file, or a folder containing a solution or project file. If a path is not specified then the current directory is used.

  --folder, -f                        Whether to treat the `<workspace>` argument as a simple folder of files.
  --fix-whitespace, -w                Run whitespace formatting. Run by default when not applying fixes.
  --fix-style, -s <severity>          Run code style analyzers and apply fixes.
  --fix-analyzers, -a <severity>      Run 3rd party analyzers and apply fixes.
  --include <include>                 A list of relative file or folder paths to include in formatting. All files are formatted if empty.
  --exclude <exclude>                 A list of relative file or folder paths to exclude from formatting.
  --check                             Formats files without saving changes to disk. Terminates with a non-zero exit code if any files were formatted.
  --report <report>                   Accepts a file path, which if provided, will produce a json report in the given directory.
  --verbosity, -v <verbosity>         Set the verbosity level. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]
  --version                           Show version information

Add format after dotnet and before the command arguments that you want to run:

Examples Description
dotnet format Formats the project or solution in the current directory.
dotnet format <workspace> Formats a specific project or solution.
dotnet format <workspace> -f Formats a particular folder and subfolders.
dotnet format <workspace> --fix-style warn Fixes only codestyle analyzer warnings.
dotnet format <workspace> --fix-whitespace --fix-style Formats and fixes codestyle analyzer errors.
dotnet format <workspace> --fix-analyzers Fixes only 3rd party analyzer errors.
`dotnet format -wsa Formats, fixes codestyle errors, and fixes 3rd party analyzer errors.
dotnet format -v diag Formats with very verbose logging.
dotnet format --include Programs.cs Utility\Logging.cs Formats the files Program.cs and Utility\Logging.cs
dotnet format --check Formats but does not save. Returns a non-zero exit code if any files would have been changed.
dotnet format --report <report-path> Formats and saves a json report file to the given directory.
dotnet format --include test/Utilities/*.cs --folder Formats the files expanded from native shell globbing (e.g. bash). Space-separated list of files are fed to formatter in this case. Also applies to --exclude option.
dotnet format --include 'test/Utilities/*.cs' --folder With single quotes, formats the files expanded from built-in glob expansion. A single file pattern is fed to formatter, which gets expanded internally. Also applies to --exclude option.
ls tests/Utilities/*.cs | dotnet format --include - --folder Formats the list of files redirected from pipeline via standard input. Formatter will iterate over Console.In to read the list of files. Also applies to --exclude option.

How To Uninstall

You can uninstall the tool using the following command.

dotnet tool uninstall -g dotnet-format

How To Build From Source

You can build and package the tool using the following commands. The instructions assume that you are in the root of the repository.

build -pack
# The final line from the build will read something like
# Successfully created package '..\artifacts\packages\Debug\Shipping\dotnet-format.5.0.0-dev.nupkg'.
# Use the value that is in the form `5.0.0-dev` as the version in the next command.
dotnet tool install --add-source .\artifacts\packages\Debug\Shipping -g dotnet-format --version <version>
dotnet format

Note: On macOS and Linux, .\artifacts will need be switched to ./artifacts to accommodate for the different slash directions.