Goal & Motivation
The goal of this repository is to analyse a dataset using CRISP-DM methodology. The dataset used here is Seattle AirBnB data taken from kaggle.
In the notebook, we investigate a few questions using the data: are some neighborhood listings more expensive than others, are certain times of the year more expensive to visit Seattle, which are the important features related to the price of a property at any given point in time.
We wrangle the data a bit to get the relevant features from calender.csv and listings.csv and build some linear models and a Random Forest model.
Random Forest model did a good job of predicting the prices for the listings in the dataset.
Blog Post
A blog post describing the high level insights is published here
Directory Layout
├── Seattle AirBnB Data Analysis.ipynb # Main Analysis File
├── calender.csv # Data
├── listings.csv # Data
├── reviews.csv # Data
└── README.md
Libraries Used
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- seaborn
- sklearn (RandomForestRegressor, LinearRegression, Lasso)
1. Udacity DataScientist Nanodegree Program
2. Kaggle