
This is the challenge for potential backend developers at Ada Support

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ada Support Backend Developer Challenge

Installing / Getting started

You will need NodeJS >= 8.1.1

You will need either a local instance of Mongo >= 3.4.13 or a free mLab instance.

Replace 'your-mongoURI-here' with your mongoURI.

git clone https://github.com/NisanthanNanthakumar/backend-challenge.git

cd backend-challenge

cd server

npm install

cd config

touch dev.js

echo "module.exports = {
};" > dev.js

npm start

This starts up a local server on port 5000. Navigate to http://localhost:5000.

Alternatively for dev, instead of npm start

npm install -g nodemon

npm run server

Local server is still on port 5000. Navigate to http://localhost:5000.


npm run tests

API Specifications

Any route not detailed below will return an

Error Response

Status Code 404

    "message": "Not Found",
    "description": "The requested resource doesn't exist."

/messages Resource

Url /api/v1/messages/

Method Post

URL Params None

Data Params

    "sender": "anson",
    "conversation_id": "1234",
    "message": "I'm a teapot"

Here, "sender" is a string username, "conversation_id" is a unique identifier for a particular conversation, and "message" is a string message to be logged to a conversation.

Success Response

Status Code: 201

    "conversation_id": "5a9200614cf6352cbf86e39d",
    "message": "Success",
    "description": "Message has been added to conversation thread."

Error Response:

Status Code: 400

    "message": "Bad Request",
    "description": ...

/conversations/:conversation_id Resource

Url /api/v1/converstaions/:conversation_id

Method Get

URL Params None

Data Params None

Success Response

The /conversations/:conversation_id route returns a list of conversation messages.

Status Code: 200

    "id": "1234",
    "messages": [
            "sender": "anson",
            "message": "I'm a teapot",
            "created": "2018-01-17T04:50:14.883Z"
            "sender": "david",
            "message": "Short and stout",
            "created": "2018-01-17T04:52:17.201Z"

Here is a conversation with two messages.

Error Response:

Status Code: 400

    "message": "Bad Request",
    "description": ...

/conversations Resource

Url /api/v1/conversations/

Method Post

URL Params None

Data Params None

Success Response

Status Code: 201

    "conversation_id": "5a9200614cf6352cbf86e39d",
    "message": "Success",
    "description": "New conversation has been created."

Here a new conversation thread is created.

Error Response:

Status Code: 400

    "message": "Bad Request",
    "description": ...