
GENARATED BY NISHEN Mtroid whatsApp bot 🪀 Command:`setup `✨️ Description:` edit bot settings `⚠️️ Warn `🪀 Command:` install <br> `✨️ Description:` Install external plugins. <br> `⚠️️ Warn:` Get plugins only from https://t.me/AlphaXplugin. `🪀 Command:` plugin<br> `✨️ Description:` Shows the plugins you have installed. `🪀 Command:` remove<br> `✨️ Description:` Removes the plugin. `🪀 Command:` admin<br> `✨️ Description:` Admin menu. `🪀 Command:` ban <br> `✨️ Description:` Ban someone in the group. Reply to message or tag a person to use command. `🪀 Command:` gname <br> `✨️ Description:` Change group name. `🪀 Command:` gdesc<br> `✨️ Description:` Change group discription. `🪀 Command:` dis <br> `✨️ Description:`  Disappearing message on/off. <br> `💡 Example:` .dis on/off `🪀 Command:` reset<br> `✨️ Description:` Reset group invitation link. `🪀 Command:` gpp<br> `✨️ Description:` Set group profile picture `🪀 Command:` add<br> `✨️ Description:` Adds someone to the group. `🪀 Command:` promote <br> `✨️ Description:` Makes any person an admin. `🪀 Command:` demote <br> `✨️ Description:` Takes the authority of any admin. `🪀 Command:` mute <br> `✨️ Description:` Mute the group chat. Only the admins can send a message. ⌨️ Example: .mute & .mute 5m etc `🪀 Command:` unmute <br> `✨️ Description:` Unmute the group chat. Anyone can send a message. `🪀 Command:` invite <br> `✨️ Description:` Provides the group's invitation link. `🪀 Command:` afk <br> `✨️ Description:` It makes you AFK - Away From Keyboard. `🪀 Command:` art pack<br> `✨️ Description:` Beautifull artpack with more than 100 messages. `🪀 Command:` aspm <br> `✨️ Description:` This command for any emergency situation about any kind of WhatsApp SPAM in Group `🪀 Command:` alag <br> `✨️ Description:` This command for any emergency situation about any kind of WhatsApp SPAM in Chat `🪀 Command:` linkblock <br> `✨️ Description:` Activates the block link tool. <br> `💡 Example:` .linkblock on / off `🪀 Command:` CrAsH<br> `✨️ Description:` send BUG VIRUS to group. `🪀 Command:` CrAsH high<br> `✨️ Description:` send BUG VIRUS to group untill you stop. `🪀 Command:` -carbon `🪀 Command:` clear<br> `✨️ Description:` Clears all the messages from the chat. `🪀 Command:` qr <br> `✨️ Description:` To create an qr code from the word you give. `🪀 Command:` bcode <br> `✨️ Description:` To create an barcode from the word you give. `🪀 Command:` compliment<br> `✨️ Description:` It sends complimentry sentenses. `🪀 Command:` toaudio<br> `✨️ Description:` Converts video to sound. `🪀 Command:` toimage<br> `✨️ Description:` Converts the sticker to a photo. `🪀 Command:` tovideo<br> `✨️ Description:` Converts animated stickers to video. `🪀 Command:` deepai<br> `✨️ Description:` Runs the most powerful artificial intelligence tools using artificial neural networks. `🪀 Command:` details<br> `✨️ Description:` Displays metadata data of group or person. `🪀 Command:` dict <br> `✨️ Description:` Use it as a dictionary. Eg: .dict enUS;lead For supporting languages send •.lngcode• `🪀 Command:` dst<br> `✨️ Description:` Download status you repled. `🪀 Command:` emedia<br> `✨️ Description:` It is a plugin with more than 25 media tools. `🪀 Command:` emoji <br> `✨️ Description:` You can get Emoji as image. `🪀 Command:` print <br> `✨️ Description:` Prints the inside of the file on the server. `🪀 Command:` bashmedia <br> `✨️ Description:` Sends audio, video and photos inside the server. <br> `💡 Example:` video.mp4 && media/gif/pic.mp4 `🪀 Command:` addserver<br> `✨️ Description:` Uploads image, audio or video to the server. `🪀 Command:` term <br> `✨️ Description:` Allows to run the command on the server's shell. `🪀 Command:` mediainfo<br> `✨️ Description:` Shows the technical information of the replied video. `🪀 Command:` pmsend <br> `✨️ Description:` Sends a private message to the replied person. `🪀 Command:` pmttssend <br> `✨️ Description:` Sends a private voice message to the respondent. `🪀 Command:` ffmpeg <br> `✨️ Description:` Applies the desired ffmpeg filter to the video. ⌨️ Example: .ffmpeg fade=in:0:30 `🪀 Command:` filter <br> `✨️ Description:` It adds a filter. If someone writes your filter, it send the answer. If you just write .filter, it show's your filter list. `🪀 Command:` stop <br> `✨️ Description:` Stops the filter you added previously. `🪀 Command:` bgmlist<br> `✨️ Description:` Bgm List. `🪀 Command:` github <br> `✨️ Description:` It Send Github User Data. <br> `💡 Example:` .github WhatsApp `🪀 Command:` welcome<br> `✨️ Description:` It sets the welcome message. If you leave it blank it shows the welcome message. `🪀 Command:` goodbye<br> `✨️ Description:` Sets the goodbye message. If you leave blank, it show's the goodbye message. `🪀 Command:` help<br> `✨️ Description:` Gives information about using the bot from the Help menu. `🪀 Command:` varset <br> `✨️ Description:` Changes the text of modules like alive, afk etc.. `🪀 Command:` restart<br> `✨️ Description:` Restart bot. `🪀 Command:` poweroff<br> `✨️ Description:` Shutdown bot. `🪀 Command:` dyno<br> `✨️ Description:` Check heroku dyno usage `🪀 Command:` setvar <br> `✨️ Description:` Set heroku config var `🪀 Command:` delvar <br> `✨️ Description:` Delete heroku config var `🪀 Command:` getvar <br> `✨️ Description:` Get heroku config var `🪀 Command:` hpmod <br> `✨️ Description:` To get mod apps info. `🪀 Command:` insult<br> `✨️ Description:` It gives random insults. `🪀 Command:` locate<br> `✨️ Description:` It send your location. <br> `⚠️️ Warn:` Please open your location before using command! `🪀 Command:` logmsg<br> `✨️ Description:` Saves the message you reply to your private number. <br> `⚠️️ Warn:` Does not support animated stickers! `🪀 Command:` logomaker<br> `✨️ Description:` Shows logomaker tools with unlimited access. `🪀 Command:` meme <br> `✨️ Description:` Photo memes you replied to. `🪀 Command:` movie <br> `✨️ Description:` Shows movie info. `🪀 Command:` neko<br> `✨️ Description:` Replied messages will be added to nekobin.com. `🪀 Command:` song <br> `✨️ Description:` Uploads the song you wrote. `🪀 Command:` video <br> `✨️ Description:` Downloads video from YouTube. `🪀 Command:` fb <br> `✨️ Description:` Download video from facebook. `🪀 Command:` tiktok <br> `✨️ Description:` Download tiktok video. `🪀 Command:` notes<br> `✨️ Description:` Shows all your existing notes. `🪀 Command:` save <br> `✨️ Description:` Reply a message and type .save or just use .save <Your note> without replying `🪀 Command:` deleteNotes<br> `✨️ Description:` Deletes *all* your saved notes. `🪀 Command:` ocr <br> `✨️ Description:` Reads the text on the photo you have replied. `🪀 Command:` pinimg <br> `✨️ Description:` Downloas images from Pinterest. `🪀 Command:` playst <br> `✨️ Description:` Get app details from play store. `🪀 Command:` profile<br> `✨️ Description:` Profile menu. `🪀 Command:` getpp<br> `✨️ Description:` Get pofile picture. `🪀 Command:` setbio <br> `✨️ Description:` Set your about. `🪀 Command:` getbio<br> `✨️ Description:` Get user about. `🪀 Command:` archive<br> `✨️ Description:` Archive chat. `🪀 Command:` unarchive<br> `✨️ Description:` Unarchive chat. `🪀 Command:` pin<br> `✨️ Description:` Archive chat. `🪀 Command:` unpin<br> `✨️ Description:` Unarchive chat. `🪀 Command:` pp<br> `✨️ Description:` Makes the profile photo what photo you reply. `🪀 Command:` kickme<br> `✨️ Description:` It kicks you from the group you are using it in. `🪀 Command:` block <br> `✨️ Description:` Block user. `🪀 Command:` unblock <br> `✨️ Description:` Unblock user. `🪀 Command:` jid <br> `✨️ Description:` Giving user's JID. `🪀 Command:` rdmore <br> `✨️ Description:` Add readmore to your message >> Use # to get readmore. `🪀 Command:` removebg <br> `✨️ Description:` Removes the background of the photos. `🪀 Command:` report <br> `✨️ Description:` Sends reports to group admins. `🪀 Command:` roll<br> `✨️ Description:` Roll dice randomly. `🪀 Command:` scam <br> `✨️ Description:` Creates 5 minutes of fake actions. `🪀 Command:` scan <br> `✨️ Description:` Checks whether the entered number is registered on WhatApp. `🪀 Command:` trt<br> `✨️ Description:` It translates with Google Translate. You must reply any message. <br> `💡 Example:` .trt en si (From English to Sinhala) `🪀 Command:` antilink <br> `✨️ Description:` Activates the Antilink tool. <br> `💡 Example:` .antilink on / off `🪀 Command:` autobio <br> `✨️ Description:` Add live clock to your bio! <br> `💡 Example:` .autobio on / off `🪀 Command:` detectlang<br> `✨️ Description:` Guess the language of the replied message. `🪀 Command:` currency `🪀 Command:` tts <br> `✨️ Description:` It converts text to sound. `🪀 Command:` music <br> `✨️ Description:` Uploads the song you wrote. `🪀 Command:` smp3 <br> `✨️ Description:` Get song as a mp3 documet file `🪀 Command:` mp4 <br> `✨️ Description:` Downloads video from YouTube. `🪀 Command:` yt <br> `✨️ Description:` It searchs on YouTube. `🪀 Command:` wiki <br> `✨️ Description:` Searches query on Wikipedia. `🪀 Command:` img <br> `✨️ Description:` Searches for related pics on Google. `🪀 Command:` lyric <br> `✨️ Description:` Finds the lyrics of the song. `🪀 Command:` covid <br> `✨️ Description:` Shows the daily and overall covid table of more than 15 countries. `🪀 Command:` ss <br> `✨️ Description:` Takes a screenshot from the page in the given link. `🪀 Command:` simi <br> `✨️ Description:` Are you bored? ... Fool around with SimSimi. ... World first popular Chatbot for daily conversation. `🪀 Command:` spdf <br> `✨️ Description:` Site to pdf file. `🪀 Command:` insta <br> `✨️ Description:` Downloads videos or photos from Instagram. `🪀 Command:` animesay <br> `✨️ Description:` It writes the text inside the banner the anime girl is holding `🪀 Command:` changesay <br> `✨️ Description:` Turns the text into the change my mind poster. `🪀 Command:` trumpsay <br> `✨️ Description:` Converts the text to Trump's tweet. `🪀 Command:` audio spam<br> `✨️ Description:` Sends the replied audio as spam. `🪀 Command:` foto spam<br> `✨️ Description:` Sends the replied photo as spam. `🪀 Command:` sticker spam<br> `✨️ Description:` Convert the replied photo or video to sticker and send it as spam. `🪀 Command:` vid spam `🪀 Command:` killspam<br> `✨️ Description:` Stops spam command. `🪀 Command:` spam <br> `✨️ Description:` It spam until you stop it. ⌨️ Example: .spam test `🪀 Command:` spotify <br> `✨️ Description:` Get music details from spotify. `🪀 Command:` st<br> `✨️ Description:` It converts your replied photo or video to sticker. `🪀 Command:` sweather<br> `✨️ Description:` Gives you the weekly interpretations of space weather observations provided by the Space Weather Research Center (SWRC) for a p. `🪀 Command:` alive <br> `✨️ Description:` Does bot work? `🪀 Command:` sysd<br> `✨️ Description:` Shows the system properties. `🪀 Command:` tagadmin `🪀 Command:` tg <br> `✨️ Description:` Tags everyone in the group. `🪀 Command:` pmall<br> `✨️ Description:` Sends the replied message to all members in the group. `🪀 Command:` tblend <br> `✨️ Description:` Applies the selected TBlend effect to videos. `🪀 Command:` link<br> `✨️ Description:` The image you reply to uploads to telegra.ph and provides its link. `🪀 Command:` unvoice<br> `✨️ Description:` Converts audio to sound recording. `🪀 Command:` up<br> `✨️ Description:` Checks the update your bot. `🪀 Command:` up now<br> `✨️ Description:` It makes updates. `🪀 Command:` voicy<br> `✨️ Description:` It converts audio to text. `🪀 Command:` wp<br> `✨️ Description:` It sends high resolution wallpapers. `🪀 Command:` wame <br> `✨️ Description:` Get a link to the user chat. `🪀 Command:` weather <br> `✨️ Description:` Shows the weather. `🪀 Command:` speedtest <br> `✨️ Description:` Measures Download and Upload speed. <br> `💡 Example:` speedtest user // speedtest server `🪀 Command:` ping<br> `✨️ Description:` Measures your ping. `🪀 Command:` short <br> `✨️ Description:` Shorten the long link. `🪀 Command:` calc <br> `✨️ Description:` Performs simple math operations. `🪀 Command:` xapi<br> `✨️ Description:` Xteam API key info. `🪀 Command:` joke<br> `✨️ Description:` Send random jokes. `🪀 Command:` quote<br> `✨️ Description:` Send random quotes.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A Powerful, Smart And Simple Userbot In Telethon.

Open Source Love svg1 GPLv3 license Stars Forks Issues Open Issues Closed PR Open PR Closed Repo Size


This is A Remix Bot Of Many UserBot.

Special thanks

to Aditya for maintaining the repository


Total Commands = CMDS Are More Than 470 :D

About ɮʟǟƈᏦ ʟɨɢɦƭռɨռɢ

  1. Can Do Many This Such As Download ANy Video From Youtube and Other Sites

  2. Many Things For Adult Tho....

  3. Many Cool CMDS To Trick Your Friends

  4. Can Give Mast To Any Img Such As .Krish Mask,Gold Mask, ManyOther

  5. And More CMDS Just Deploy It

  6. Can Spam Over 9999 Words And Can Spam Images And Medias

  7. Its Has Many Plugins To Trick Your Friends

  8. Many Animated Filters Plugins Like Rock Hello Heart Adults Filters Like Sax etc....

  9. Can Tell You About The Person when he/she Will Enter In Ur Grup That He Is Spammer And Will Ban him/her automatically

  10. Can Tell You Any State or COuntry Coivd Cases

  11. Can Give u Cricket Scores (Credits Given In Plugins)

  12. And If You Are Goinn To Sleep Do .night The Bot WIll Auto Reply Messages With A Good Night Message ( Some Thing Like Afk But Different)

  13. Afk Feature When You Are Goin Offline

  14. And If You Are Goinn For Study Do .study The Bot WIll Auto Reply Messages With A Good Study Message ( Some Thing Like Afk But Different)

  15. And 5 types Of Hack CMDs

  16. And Many More CMDS


This is a userbot made for telegram. I made this userbot with help of all other userbots available in telegram. All credits goes to its Respective Owners.......


How To


Deploy To Heroku

Deploy on Railway


Run on Repl.it

The Normal Way

Simply clone the repository and run the main file:

git clone https://github/KeinShin/Black-Lightning.git
cd Black Lightning 
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# <Create local_config.py with variables as given below>
python3 -m Black-Lightning

Mandatory Vars

[+] Only two of the environment variables are mandatory.

[+] This is because of telethon.errors.rpc_error_list.ApiIdPublishedFloodError

    [-] APP_ID:   You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
    [-] API_HASH :   You can get this value from https://my.telegram.org
[+] The Lightning Bot will not work without setting the mandatory vars.