
A simple-looking e-commerce website using MERN stack but has a number of good coding practices, optimizations and scalable.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is a full-stack MERN app. You can see different branches. This project is gradually improved using more advanced topics, e.g., this was initially built with Context API. Then it was migrated over to Redux-Saga. This project was also initially written using Javascript, SASS. Then it was updated with Styled-Components and Typescript. It might look simple but it is made following the best coding practices and keeping in mind scalability.


  • It's a Progressive Web App
  • Sign-in/Sign-up with email/password
  • Sign-in with Google account
  • Shop by categories
  • Add items to Cart
  • Cart items persist for the user
  • Go to checkout page
  • Increase or decrease Cart Item quantity
  • Delete Cart Item
  • Light/Dark mode
  • Save theme preference on LocalStorage
  • Choose initial theme mode based on user settings
  • Mobile responsive