
A todo app frontend -- Learning and practising MUI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Run locally

  • Create a .env file and copy the following line VITE_SERVER_URL='http://localhost:3002

  • In Terminal, start the dev server npm install && npm run dev

  • Checkout the screenshots in the todo-ss.pdf file




  • User can Sign-up, Sign-in
  • Proper error messages during Sign-in and Sign-up are shown to the user
  • User will remain signed-in, as authentication status is saved in the browser's local storage
  • Select Light/Dark Theme, save theme setting locally, select theme setting based on user's settings
  • Create, Edit, Delete, Copy to Clipboard and View Todos

Future Features

  • categorize todos by setting tags associated with each one
  • add deadline and upload images
  • filter todos based on text or tags


  • Firebase for authentication
  • Mongodb for saving todos
  • Recoil for state management
  • MUI for good looking accessible UI

Tried but not finished

  • Migrated almost 90% to Tanstack-Query (React-Query) for state management, instead of Recoil
  • Switched from Fetch API to Axios for easier error throwing. It worked, until I added Tanstack (AKA) React-Query

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