

This repository contains the source code and files for a house price analysis dashboard designed to provide insights into real estate market trends and property valuations. The dashboard is developed using Power BI and utilizes a dataset containing various attributes of houses along with their corresponding prices.


The primary objective of this project is to create an interactive dashboard that allows users to explore and analyze factors influencing house prices. By visualizing key metrics and trends, users can gain valuable insights into the housing market, enabling informed decision-making for buyers, sellers, and real estate professionals.

💫Final Output



🎊Data Visualization:

The dashboard incorporates various visualizations such as line charts, bar charts, scatter plots, and maps to represent key metrics and trends related to house prices.

🎊Interactive Filters:

Users can dynamically filter and slice the data based on parameters such as location, property type, square footage, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, and other relevant attributes.

🎊Price Trend Analysis:

Explore historical price trends over time to identify market fluctuations, seasonal patterns, and overall market performance.

🎊Geospatial Analysis:

Utilize map visualizations to visualize house prices geographically, allowing users to identify areas with high demand or potential investment opportunities.

🎊Comparative Analysis:

Compare house prices across different neighborhoods, property types, or housing features to understand relative valuations and market dynamics.