
Welcome to the Kelo Meter Converter GUI Application repository, a handy tool developed using the .NET Framework for converting measurements between different units of length, specifically kilometers (kelos).

Final Output GUI image



1. User-Friendly Interface

The application boasts a clean and user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) designed to make length conversion intuitive and accessible for users of all levels.

2. Length Conversion

Easily convert measurements between kilometers and other units of length, such as meters, centimeters, miles, and more. The application provides a straightforward way to switch between units and obtain accurate conversion results.

3. .NET Framework

Built using the .NET Framework, ensuring compatibility with Windows environments. The application utilizes C# for backend logic and Windows Forms for the graphical user interface.

Technologies Used

.NET Framework


Windows Forms

How to Use

Clone the repository to your local machine.

Open the project in Visual Studio or your preferred .NET development environment.

Build and run the application.

Use the converter to input values and select desired units for length conversion.


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter issues, have feature requests, or want to contribute enhancements, feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.