

The Weather Dataset

The Weather Dataset is a time series data set with per-hour information about the weather conditions at a particular location.This data is available as a CSV file.

The commands that we used in this project :

  • head() - It shows the first N rows in the data (by default, N=5).
  • shape - It shows the total no. of rows and no. of columns of the dataframe
  • index - This attribute provides the index of the dataframe
  • columns - It shows the name of each column
  • dtypes - It shows the data-type of each column
  • unique() - In a column, it shows all the unique values. It can be applied on a single column only, not on the whole dataframe.
  • nunique() - It shows the total no. of unique values in each column. It can be applied on a single column as well as on the whole dataframe.
  • count - It shows the total no. of non-null values in each column. It can be applied on a single column as well as on the whole dataframe.
  • value_counts - In a column, it shows all the unique values with their count. It can be applied on a single column only.
  • info() - Provides basic information about the dataframe.


  • Find all the unique 'Wind Speed' values in the data.
  • Find the number of times when the 'Weather is exactly Clear'.
  • Find the number of times when the 'Wind Speed was exactly 4 km/h'.
  • Find out all the Null Values in the data.
  • Rename the column name 'Weather' of the dataframe to 'Weather Condition'.
  • What is the mean 'Visibility'
  • What is the Standard Deviation of 'Pressure' in this data?
  • What is the Variance of 'Relative Humidity' in this data ?
  • Find all instances when 'Snow' was recorded.
  • Find all instances when 'Wind Speed is above 24' and 'Visibility is 25'.
  • Show all the Records where Weather Condition is Fog.
  • Find all instances when 'Weather is Clear' or 'Visibility is above 40'.