
Welcome to the Road Accident Data Analysis with Power BI repository. This project focuses on leveraging the capabilities of Power BI to analyze and visualize road accident data. By creating insightful reports and dashboards, this project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of road safety trends, contributing factors, and potential areas for improvement.

Final Dashboard output

Screenshot 2024-03-13 214039

Dashboard Mobile View



1. Data Exploration

Explore and analyze road accident data from various perspectives, including geographical distribution, time trends, and severity levels.

2. Interactive Dashboards

Utilize interactive Power BI dashboards to visualize complex data relationships and trends dynamically. Users can interact with the visualizations to gain deeper insights into the provided data.

3. Geographic Mapping

Leverage Power BI's mapping capabilities to visually represent accident locations and identify high-risk areas. This feature helps in understanding the spatial distribution of accidents.

4. Time-Series Analysis

Examine temporal patterns of road accidents, identifying patterns based on days of the week, months, or specific time intervals. This analysis can be crucial for identifying time-specific safety concerns.

5. Severity Analysis

Analyze accident severity factors to understand the impact of various variables on the outcome of road incidents. This information can be valuable for designing targeted safety interventions.

Technologies Used

Power BI

Data sources (e.g., CSV, Excel) containing road accident data

How to Use

Clone the repository to your local machine.

Open the Power BI project file (.pbix) in Power BI Desktop.

Connect the project to your road accident data source (CSV, Excel, etc.).

Refresh the data in Power BI to update the visualizations.

Explore the interactive dashboards and reports to gain insights into road accident data.


Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for additional analyses, improvements to existing visualizations, or want to contribute new features, feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.