GUI with tkinter

💫 Tkinter 💫

🌟Tkinter is a cross-platform GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit that comes built into the Python standard library.

🌟It is a powerful and easy-to-use library that can be used to create a wide variety of applications, including desktop applications, web applications, and embedded applications.

Table of Contents

🌟GUI Mini Projects->

1. GUI for find sum of two values

2. Student Registration GUI form

3. Multi User login form

4. Calculator GUI form

You tube video link

🌟GUI Mini Projects->

1. How to create simple window

2. button and text box

3. Check box

4. Radio button

5. combo box

6. Spin Box

7. Slider

8. Progress Bar

9. Slider with progress bar

10. Event binding

11. Canvas(draw shapes)

12. Canvas(write using mouse)

13. Frames

14. Tree view design 01

15. Tree view design 02

16. Toggle button

17. Menu bar

18. Message Box

19. Tabs

20. Layouts

You Tube video link