
It is a tool to plot the words counts in a bar chart for given text files. User able to change the number of words to chart.

Primary LanguageC


It is a tool to plot the words counts in a bar chart for given text files. User able to change the number of words to chart.

Department of Computer Engineering

University of Peradeniya

CO222: Programming Methodology - Project 2

1 Introduction

One of the most important features of any written language is the occurrence of particular charac- ters or words in general. For example, in the English language, all 26 characters are not used in the same frequency. Generally, characters likee,a,tmore frequently appear in text. These kinds of information can be used in different applications such as Machine Learning, OCR, Cryptography, etc. The same applies for words. Prepositions and articles likethe, a, and, inare more frequently used than other words. In project 2, you are supposed to observe this characteristic in the English language using a program. A file or multiple files containing English text will be sent to the pro- gram, and the program should give an output (word or character frequencies) as a horizontal bar chart printed on the terminal.

Figure 1: The expected output from the program. The most frequently used words are displayed as a horizontal bar chart

Fig 1 shows the expected output from the program concerning the maximum word frequencies. There are different control and input arguments for the program. According to the arguments, the program should be able to change its behaviour and result in the expected output.

2 Program output

2.1 Control arguments for the program

File name/ File Names

The program should be able to accept any number of file names in any order. File names will not start with ‘-’. eg: -file.txt

Number of rows in the chart

The argument specifies the number of rows in the bar chart. It should be given as-l 10where 10 is the limit. It can be any positive integer. A number should always follow the-largument. The pair can be in any place of the arguments list.

Scaled option

When–scaledargument is given, the first row of the graph should fully occupy the max print width. Any other row should scale to be matched with first row scale factor.

Word/Character toggle

The program can analyse two modes of frequencies, characters and words. If the output should be given as words, the-wshould be given whereas-cargument will give character frequency output.

2.2 Default options

The program must take at least one file name to work. All other arguments are optional. If not given, the program will work asnon-scaled, will output frequencies forwordsand limit the output rows to 10.

2.3 Pre-processing

All the non-alphanumeric characters must be removed from the text. For example, the word b@dW0rdshould changed intobdW0rd. Then, it should be converted into the lower-case string, and only the processed words should be taken into calculations. While printing, if two words share the same frequency, the first occurred word in the text should be printed first on the chart. Also, all the numbers should have two decimal places only.

2.4 Printing area

The program should work in 80 character width screen. To understand the printing pattern, please refer to the given binary file and test with different files. It will give you a clear understanding about how the graph is printed on the screen. The output should print exactly at the same place and scale as the given program. You should use std=c99 flag to compile the source code because there are several Unicode char- acters you have to when printing the graph. They are; 2500, 2502, 2514, 2591. It is up to you to find out what exactly these Unicode print. To print Unicode you may use printf as follows, printf(”\u2502”);

3 Breakdown of the marks

3.1 Basic functionality

If the program can read multiple files, store words or characters and then produce the maximum N number of frequencies, then the program will be given 50 marks (even without a graph).

3.2 Plotting the chart

If the graph is plotted with correct output and as expected, the program will be given another 20 marks. Both the above cases, you may use the following static pattern of the command line arguments to run the program. ./freqv1 -c –scaled -l 10 file1 file2 file ... where, -c can be changed to -w and 10 can be any positive integer

3.3 Input arguments and error handling -

As you can see, the program has many arguments to be processed, and they may appear any place in the argument list. If your program is capable of handling arguments as the example binary you are given, you may score 30 marks more.