- Notion Markdown Exporter using official notion api by notion-sdk-py
Before getting started, create an integration and find the token. → Learn more about authorization.
Then save your api key(token) as your os environment variable
$ export NOTION_TOKEN="{your integration token key}"
$ pip install notion2md
- Notion2md requires either
of the Notion page/block - Download option will download files/images in the
notion2md --download -n post -p ~/MyBlog/content/posts -u https://notion.so/...
- This command will generate "post.md" in your '~/MyBlog/content/posts' directory
from notion2md.exporter import block_markdown_exporter, block_string_exporter
# block_markdown_exporter will make markdown file on your output path
# block_string_exporter will return output as String type
md = block_string_exporter(id='...',path='...')
- Download file object(image and files)
- Table blocks
- Synced Block
- Page Exporter
- Database Exporter
- Child page
- Column List and Column Blocks
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