
Extracts tweets from Twitter API and analyzes sentiment and other stats.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Uses Twitter API to extract tweets from user-handles.
  • Tweets are then analyzed.
  • Insights such as sentiment of tweets, mention frequencies, wordclouds and more are extracted.
  • On running tweet_analysis.py, Three CSV files and three PNG files are created (per username) and stored in the results folder.
  • Insights such as comparisons of likes, retwets, and sentiment of tweets are extracted.
  • On running sentiment_comparison.py, one CSV file and two PNG files are created and stored in the insights_compared folder.


  • Add credentials into the twitter_credentials.py file.
  • Create two folders named results and insights_compared to store insights from tweet_analysis.py and sentiment_comparison.py respectively.
  • Run tweet_analysis.py after updating the usernames list found in the import on line #8.
  • Run sentiment_comparison.py after updating the usernames list found in the import on line #3.


Do pip install -r requirements.txt

  • tweepy==3.6.0
  • json==2.0.9
  • numpy==1.15.4
  • pandas==0.25.1
  • matplotlib==2.2.2
  • re==2.2.1
  • textblob==0.15.1
  • wordcloud==1.5.0
  • nltk==3.4.5