
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Secure ATM

This project is made to make Automated teller machine more secure. It's simple nowadays to get your pin using hidden cameras, false keyboards, etc. So, here we are with a different idea to let your pin secure.


Code of Conduct
Contributing to Inaxia

Steps to Run

  1. Fork this Repo
  2. Clone that forked repo into your local system
  3. Install tkinter library
  4. Run the code

Ignore the errors and warnings, it won't bother you

  • Correct Atm id: 2020
  • Correct Pin: 6344

Demo video


Reference link

Image from Google: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b3cf1d496fd5e53c5773d297dbe2cc6a13bbfec5714de8dc2bd0d8165e825b2f/68747470733a2f2f7374617469632e7665637465657a792e636f6d2f73797374656d2f7265736f75726365732f70726576696577732f3030312f3233332f3732332f6e6f6e5f32782f636172746f6f6e2d706f7369746976652d70656f706c652d7374616e64696e672d696e2d71756575652d61742d61746d2d766563746f722e6a7067

Demo Video link



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