This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Prerequisite software

  1. NodeJS - download and install nodejs 13.12.1 or above from
  2. Mongodb - download and install mongodb from
  3. Mongodb Compass - in step 2 if mongodb compass was not installed then download and install it from
    1. Open mongodb compass
    2. connect to mongodb://localhost:27017 connect_db
    3. Now you should see "database" tab, press on "Create Database" button database_tab
    4. Enter "usps_address_verifier" in database name
    5. Enter "addresses" in collection name
    6. Press "Create Database" button create_database

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo.

  2. Install npm packages

npm install
  1. Create file .env.local using env.local.sample as reference, and provide corresponding values for the environment variables

  2. Make sure your mongodb server is running.

  3. run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Testing app

  1. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. address-form

You can use this dummy address for testing

Address Line 1: Suite 6100
Address Line 2: 185 Berry St
City: San Francisco
State: California
Zip: 94556
  1. Press on "Validate" button, you should see save modal popping up save_address_modal

  2. Select "Address format" you want to save and then press "Save" button, if mongodb is running fine then you should see success message save_address_success

  3. To validate the saved information in DB

    1. open mongodb compass
    2. connect to local database if it is not connected already
    3. select "addresses" collection from sidebar
    4. press on "find" button validate_saved_information