
Simple Stack based virtual machine

Primary LanguageRust

Stack-VM - Stack Virtual Machine

Stack Based Virtual Machine is a type of virtual machgine which uses stacks to perform operation, ex : JVM .

Its a simple implementation of VM which executes the bytecode (32bit so its a wordcode) to understand the JVM.


Stack Based virtual machine creates runtime stack. VM only performs two operations directly on Java Stacks: it pushes and pops data. While reading wordcode if the instruction is encountered it will pop 2 operand from the top of the stack and perform operation on it, push the result back to stack. If encountered word is data it will push to the stack.

Stack-VM Instruction set

VM executes postfix expression compiled into 32 bit long VM instructions.

First 2 bits distinguishes between data and instruction.

bits Type
00 Data (Positive number)
01 Operation Instruction (OI)
10 Data (negative number)
11 undefined

VM operation instruction (OI)

0x40000001		ADD           
0x40000010		SUB           
0x40000011	   	MUL           
0x40000100	   	DIV           
0x40000000		HALT

All program must end with HALT instruction.

VM Byte code can be generated from the stack-langc compiler.


Run test

cargo run test

Run VM

This repo contains file a.out with VM instruction to add two numbers, you can dump hex content to view the data. Byteorder is in little endian, I'll explain the word stored in the file.

Hex word VM Value
0x00000020 Data (32 in decimal)
0x00000016 Data (22 in decimal)
0x40000001 OI (ADD)
0x40000000 OI (HALT)

Run the above program.

cargo run a.out

In debug mode you can see the result 54 at the top of the stack.