
Code to reproduce results from the paper: Prediction and Control in Continual Reinforcement Learning, NeurIPS 2023.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Repository to reproduce results from the paper: Prediction and Control in Continual Reinforcement Learning, NeurIPS 2023 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.11669).

Note: Install all the dependencies listed in requirements.txt before running any of these codes.

The code is divided into two directories: control and prediction_semi_crl, which contains the code for corresponding experiments from the paper.


Inside the prediction_semi_crl directory there are two subdirectories: minigrid and tabular_linear. minigrid contains the code to reproduce the results presented in the fourth and fifth subplots in Figure 2, and tabular_linear contains the code corresponsing to the first three subplots presented in Figure 2.

Tabular and Linear

There are three shell scripts inside tabular_linear: run_tabular.sh, run_linear_discrete_grid.sh, and run_linear_continuous_grid.sh, which corresponds to the experiments from the first three subplots in Figure 2. Each script will run all the algorithms sequentially using the best hyperparameters. These scripts will produce plot PDFs inside the plots directory once complete.


Note: Run this code on GPU to speed up. Also, run each algorithm inside the shell scripts in parallel to further increase the speed.

Install gym-minigrid using the instructions provided on https://minigrid.farama.org/index.html.

There are two shell scripts inside minigrid: run_discrete_grid.sh and run_itemgrid.sh, which corresponds to the experiments from the last two subplots in Figure 2. Each script will run algorithms sequentially using the best hyperparameters. These scripts will produce plot PDFs inside the plots directory once complete.


There are four directories inside control: tabular, minigrid, jbw_crl, and minatar_crl. tabular contains the code to generate tabular results presented in Figure 3b and Figure 4; minigrid contains the code to produce results presented in Figure 3d; jbw_crl contains the code to reproduce results in Figure 5b; the code inside minatar_crl will reproduce results presented in Figure 5d.

Note: The shell scripts will run algorithms sequentially for each seed on a single machine. Parallelize the runs across seeds and algorithms, and them of GPUs for speeding up the execution.


Run the script run_tabular_semi_CRL.sh to generate the plot from Figure 3b, and run_tabular_crl.sh to generate Figure 4. Plots are saved as PDFs inside the plots folder.


Install gym-minigrid using the instructions provided on https://minigrid.farama.org/index.html.

Run the script run_semi_CRL.sh to generate the minigrid results presented in Figure 3d.

On a GPU, each run (one seed, one algorithm, with one set of hyperparameters) took ~3 hours to complete.


Install JellyBeanWorld using the instructions provided in https://github.com/eaplatanios/jelly-bean-world and jelly-bean-world located inside jbw_crl. For installing jelly-bean-world, use the setup.py file located inside that folder for apple silicon, but use the original setup.py file to install it on other machines.

After installing jelly-bean-world, run the shell script run_JBW.sh to generate a PDF containing the plot presented in Figure 5b.

On a GPU, each run (one seed, one algorithm, with one set of hyperparameters) took ~5-8 hours to complete.


Install Minatar using the instruction provided in https://github.com/kenjyoung/MinAtar. After installing the dependencies, run the script run_minatar.sh to generate the results presented in Figure 5d.

On a GPU, each run (one seed, one algorithm, with one set of hyperparameters) took ~5-8 hours to complete.

Cite this work as:

  title={Prediction and Control in Continual Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Anand, Nishanth and Precup, Doina},
  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},