
Given an abstract class Character.java and an interface Race.java. Implement all the missing methods of the abstract class, and the subclasses Fighter.java, Rogue.java, Wizard.java, and Cleric.java. You will need to create the subclasses from scratch.

Primary LanguageJava

Problem Description

Big fan of Stranger Things on Netflix? Then, you should be pretty familiar with “Dungeons and Dragons”, which is basically a pen and paper fantasy role-playing game. Prior to playing a game of D&D each player needs to create their own character, which embarks upon imaginary adventures within a fantasy setting. In this assignment, you are given the task of designing these characters

Solution Description

You are given an abstract class Character.java and an interface Race.java. Implement all the missing methods of the abstract class, and the subclasses Fighter.java, Rogue.java, Wizard.java, and Cleric.java. You will need to create the subclasses from scratch


 A character has several instance variables relating to the characters abilties. They are:

1. name

2. level

3. 6 ability scores (strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma)

4. 6 ability score modifiers (strengthMod, dexterityMod, constitutionMod, intelligenceMod, wisdomMod and charismaMod)

5. 6 ability score increases (strengthInc, dexterityInc, constitutionInc, intelligenceInc, wisdomInc and charismaInc)

6. proficiencyMod

7. health

8. race

9. isDead

 Implement the getter and setter methods that have been partially provided.

 Two constructors

1. Assigning String name, int level, int strength, int dexterity, int constitution, int intelligence, int wisdom, int charisma, int proficiencyMod, int health, boolean isDead. The health variable should start equal to five times the character level, and should never go above that. If the health variable ever goes below 0, isDead should be set to true and the health variable be reset to 0. The race variable should be one of the instance variables of interface Race. The proficiencyMod variable should be set to +2. For instance variables such as strengthInc, dexterityInc, constitutionInc, intelligenceInc, wisdomInc, charismaInc, check Table3. Finally, for instance variables such as strengthInc, dexterityInc, constitutionInc, intelligenceInc, wisdomInc, charismaInc, consider Table1.

2.   Only taking in a name and a seed, sets the level to one, sets health to 5, and randomly sets the abilities as following:

a. Roll a dice four times (End result should be 4 numbers)

b. Drop the lowest number

c. Add the remaining numbers together

d. Repeat five more times, for a total of six numbers and set the abilities.

You can perform 2(a) by randomly generating a number between 1 and 6 (inclusive) by using a Random object using the given seed. Based on your character (Fighter or Cleric) you will put your two hightest scores to two specific abilities and assign the rest 4 numbers to the rest of the abilities in this order [strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma], e.g, let’s say you have generated 12, 11, 14, 7, 9 4 and you are instructed to assign the two largest score to ability strength and wisdom. Hence strength and wisdom will be set to 14, 12 and the others dexterity, constitution, intelligence and charisma will be set to 11, 7, 9 and 4 respectively. For information on which two abilities should be assigned highest score check Table2.

Based on your race, your final ability (all or specific ones) will incrase according to Table2. E.g, if your calculated strength is 10 and strengthInc is 3 based on your race, the final strength should be 13.


 This class should extend Character and implement Race.

 Implement 2 constructors coorresponding with each of the constructors of the superclass.

 Implement the attack(Character c) method. The attack method of Fighter should decrement the health of the parameter character by 10 plus the fighter's strength variable. If the character's isDead variable is true, this method should do nothing besides printing "Cannot attack a dead character" to the console.

 Implement the levelUp() method. This method should increase the character's level by 1, reset the health to it's maximum (5 times the level), increase strength by 2, and all other abiities by 1.

 a toString() method that returns a string with format "Level (level) fighter named (name) with (strength) strength, (dexterity) dexterity, (constitution) constitution, (intelligence) intelligence, (wisdom) wisdom and (charisma) charisma"


 This class should extend Character and implement Race.

 Implement 2 constructors coorresponding with each of the constructors of the superclass.

 Implement the attack(Character c) method. The attack method of Rogue should decrement the health of the parameter character by 6 plus the rogue's dexterity variable. If thecharacter's isDead variable is true, this method should do nothing besides printing "Cannot attack a dead character" to the console.

 Implement the levelUp() method. This method should increase the character's level by 1, reset the health to it's maximum (5 times the level), increase dexterity by 3, and all other abilities by 2.

 a toString() method that returns a string with format "Level (level) fighter named (name) with (strength) strength, (dexterity) dexterity, (constitution) constitution, (intelligence) intelligence, (wisdom) wisdom and (charisma) charisma"


 This class should extend Character and implement Race.

 Implement 2 constructors coorresponding with each of the constructors of the superclass.

 Implement the attack(Character c) method. The attack method of Cleric should decrement the health of the parameter character by 6 plus the cleric's wisdom variable. If the character's isDead variable is true, this method should do nothing besides printing "Cannot attack a dead character" to the console.

 Implement the levelUp() method. This method should increase the character's level by 1, reset the health to it's maximum (5 times the level), increase wisdom by 2, and all other abilities by 1.

 Create a new method called heal(Character c) which increases the parameter characters health by 6 plus the clerics wisdom variable, but not beyond their maximum health (5 times their level). If a character is dead, do nothing except print "Cannot heal a dead character" to the console.

 a toString() method that returns a string with format "Level (level) fighter named (name) with (strength) strength, (dexterity) dexterity, (constitution) constitution, (intelligence) intelligence, (wisdom) wisdom and (charisma) charisma"


 This class should extend Character and implement Race.

 Implement 2 constructors coorresponding with each of the constructors of the superclass.

 Implement the attack(Character c) method. The attack method of Wizard should decrement the health of the parameter character by a 4 plus the wizard's intelligence variable. If the character's isDead variable is true, this method should do nothing besides printing "Cannot attack a dead character" to the console.

 Implement the levelUp() method. This method should increase the character's level by 1, reset the health to it's maximum (5 times the level), increase intelligence by 2, and all other stats by 1.

 Create a new method called multiAttack(Character[] c) which decreases each character in the parameter's health by 2 plus the wizard's intelligence variable (different values for each character). If a character is dead, do nothing to that character except print "Cannot damage a dead character" to the console.

 a toString() method that returns a string with format "Level (level) fighter named (name) with (strength) strength, (dexterity) dexterity, (constitution) constitution, (intelligence) intelligence, (wisdom) wisdom and (charisma) charisma

Running and Testing

Design your own Game class with a main method to create a simulation to test of all the methods for bonus: 5pts. However, while checking your assignment, I will run my own Game class to check your assignments.

            Want solution?????



public abstract class Character {

    private String name;

    private int level;

    private int strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma;

    private int strengthMod, dexterityMod, constitutionMod, intelligenceMod, wisdomMod, charismaMod;

    private int strengthInc, dexterityInc, constitutionInc, intelligenceInc, wisdomInc, charismaInc;

    private int proficiencyMod;

    private int health;

    private boolean isDead = false;

    public Character(String name, int seed) {

        //implement this constructor using constructor delegation


    public Character(String name, int level, int strength,

                     int dexterity, int constitution, int intelligence,

                     int wisdom, int charisma, int proficiencyMod,

                     int health, boolean isDead) {

        //implement this constructor


    public String getName() {

        //implement this method

        return null;


    public int getLevel() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setLevel(int level) {

        //implement this method


    public int getStrength() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setStrength(int strength) {

        //implement this method


    public int getDexterity() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setDexterity(int dexterity) {

        //implement this method


    public int getIntelligence() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setIntelligence(int intelligence) {

        //implement this method


    public int getWisdom() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setWisdom(int wisdom) {

        //implement this method


    public int getConstitution() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setConstitution(int constitution) {

        //implement this method


    public int getCharisma() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setCharisma(int charisma) {

        //implement this method


    public int getHealth() {

        //implement this method

        return 0;


    public void setHealth(int health) {

        //implement this method


    public boolean getIsDead() {

        //implement this method

        return false;


    public void setIsDead(boolean isDead) {

        //implement this method


    public abstract void levelUp();

    public abstract void attack(Character c);

    public abstract String toString();
