
This python script scrapes the documentation in cern pages and finds help for functions and classes in Root environment.

Primary LanguagePython


CERN and LHC (Large Hadron Collider) use Root environment to analyze big data and have a beautifully written documentation online. Although when working in terminal and using root, there is no help command to provide us with the details of what a particular function, method or a class does. Therefore, the process of coding is slow. Using python's Beautiful Soup package, I have developed a web scraping script for the documentation of Root.

INSTRUCTIONS : Please put it in the alias as help python 'path_to_file'

For this to work please install bs4 and requests using pip install beautifulsoup4 pip install requests pip install webbrowser

With this :

1.you can write help class_name method_name (It will show everything about the method) eg. help TH1F Draw eg help TCanvas SetCanvasSize

2.you can write help class_name -o (to open the page in web-browser) eg. help TF1 -o