
W3C Arena

Primary LanguageC

Welcome to the source of Arena beta-1c

For copyright statements, see files in the subdirectories.

The patches you pass back to us will become our property.
But we're fairly nice people :-)

If you want to offer a binary version of Arena to the public, you are
free to do so. Send a mail to arena@w3.org and we are happy point to
your port from our pages. We are no longer able to host externally
compiled binaries.

If you've ported Arena before, you should be able to reuse your
setup. In this release, most #defines that were earlier given as
complier options are now in Arena/Implementation/www.h. Change this
file if you e.g. want to compile without jpeg support.

The code has three main parts: the W3C reference library, the image
libraries and the arena code:

1) the W3C reference library code is known to compile on 11 unix
platforms and should pose no major problems. The version of the
library we are using in beta-1c is a derivative of 3.1pre1. For more
info on the library, see


Make sure the library is compiled with the "-DCALL_CLIENT_BUG" option.

2) In Image, you will find three libraries:

  jpeg libpng zlib

These have not been changed by us and come with their own setup and
legal restrictions. Compile them any way you want, just make sure
Arena can see them at link time.

3) the arena code is fairly lean/clean C/xlib. It compiles using gcc --
with minor modifications -- on all 32 bit architectures we have tried
it on. Also, ifdefs for the 64 bit alpha exist. To compile arena,
create a directory structure similar to Arena/sun4-sol2 and modify the
Makefiles accordingly.

Dave Raggett (W3C/MIT/HP), 
Hakon Lie (W3C/INRIA), 
Henrik Frystyk Nielsen (W3C/MIT),
Yves Lafon (W3C/INRIA)

arena@w3.org    21-Dec-95