This is the repository of what I made during an Ideathon!

What is this?

This web application allows users to send emails almost automatically in a super effective and best way properly depensing on the purpoeses and who to send by suggesting them templates!

Technical Info

This application is made with Ruby on Rails with HTML&CSS.


As this application is just a prototype you may be unable to use this in production soon. Moreover, this application has to have some features to be a product. So I'd like to clarify below.


  • Authenication Login or Registering
  • Use email engine other than gmail API As gmail's API should be for indiviusals, you ought to use other engines especially for businesses like mailgun!

Contributors wanted!

Finally, as I want to focus on my current business, I may no longer continue to develop this application. So if you were interested in this project, please let me know!