Author: Adam Saiyad ( , Julius Calzada (
An Arduino IDE based migration to Esp32 based off Muxsan/Dala MicroChip atmel can Bridge Due to the Chip shortage and shortages of other components this library was created to offer a more accessible and attainable method to allow the can bridge to be produced . It has been tested thorougly in the environment of a vehicle using an Esp32 Devkit and a made up mcp2525 board . The Build includes a method of changing between EN200 and Nissan Leaf functions easily from the config.h file . (please ensure to select the correct vehicle before compiling )
Things to be done and not implemented yet .
- Can bridge Web Server to allow changes to be made (via Hotspot ) on the esp32
- add libraries for inverter upgrade and charging limitation for example 50% 80% etc as well as hyper miling .
- Add frame work for webserver Menus and design layout something simple and easy to work with
- Over the air updates for easy upgradeable software versions .
Not tested
- The pcb design schematic is still in proofing we need to assemble and test this .
- connectors need to be tested and possibly changed if they are not easy to get .
- hardware power supply from 12v not tested yet
- Upload using jumpers on the PCB ( to be tested and verified )