
EventManagement Application for Network Department unit at Dialog Axiata

Primary LanguageJava

EventManagement Application for Network Department unit at Dialog Axiata


Dialog’s Engineering Division lacks of internal event management capabilities like member verification, food payment and complete communication( Questioning and polling ) between members during an event. The client wants to build an IT solution to manage their internal events where admins can manage events, organizers, members, and payments, and organizers can manage questions and polls. Client’s Current System: Dialog’s Engineering division’s members currently use third-party QR code scanners to mark attendance in an event, which is via Google Forms and Google Sheets. They(Client) use a high-cost web portal to manage questions and polls and they have no proper payment method for members’ lunch.

This Solution: A WEB-Based Application that interconnects administrators, event organizers(conductors/moderators) and audience members(participating employees) while enhancing all events with valid participation verification methods, live Question/Feedback sessions, EzCash Food Payment System and Customizable report generation. Methodology: Agile software development methodology. Used Trello to manage product backlog.


  1. Jayawardana N.S IT18117110 778502549 nisuga.rockwell@gmail.com
  2. Bandara A.B.C.N. IT18117356 719158353 nuwanchiran@gmail.com
  3. Punchihewa D. G. IT18117974 766690518 dilpripunchihewa@gmail.com
  4. Weerasinghe L.A.I.S. IT18118278 713463329 laimalee059@gmail.com
  5. H.L.D Ishara IT18122992 713676262 diliniliyanage96@gmail.com
  6. J.A Munasinghe IT18126884 785863189 janithaakalanka45@gmail.com
  7. Perera W.V.D.C IT18119022 712888859 wvdilakshanchamikara@gmail.com
  8. Kooragama K.G.C.M IT18121452 774065015 chalimihinzz@gmail.com