
/Links/ Used for the =links <plugin/service> command.

/versions/ Used for the =ver <plugin> command.

Got a plugin you want to add? Feel free to submit a pull request.

Example Templates:


    "Description": "Awesome plugin!",
    "img": "",
    "Words": "Need more words? Just type them",
    "Spigot": ""


    "img": "",
    "1.8": "v1.0.0",
    "1.12.2": "v1.3.4",
    "1.13.2": "v1.8.6 - Latest"

Just need to follow the JSON format seen in the other plugins.

  • 'img' needs to be lowercase if you wish to use it. (Shows in the top left of the embed)
  • file names should be in lowercase and end in .json
  • All links need to either start with https:// or http:// for Barry to pickup
  • You can have any amount links and information, but try to only put the useful ones in.

Once your request is pulled a staff member will need to run an update command to get any changes made. :)