Exile Easy Trader Mod System
This trader system is offered free without any guarantee or promise and users should back up their files before proceeding.
It is compiled by [CiC]red_ned of http://cic-gaming.co.uk from different sources including documentation on exilemod and in game from various places.
I have only compiled what i found, attempted to simplify class names and created files for what i couldn't find and is given back to the community as thanks.
If you use then you should consider sharing any further development, bug fixes or expansions (as i have probably missed objects out or spelled things incorrectly).
This file does not include how to install mods or add to loot tables as that is already well documented.
v5.8 Update
EBM install instructions fix, thanks to Killerpoodezz for spotting.
v5.7 Update
Updated RHS Weapons mod files by ElShotte.
v5.6 Update
Added RHSSAF mod files by ElShotte.
Fixed a few minor issues
v5.5e Update
Added SMA mod files by jmayr2000.
v5.5d Update
Updated classes in multiple mods - thanks SE7EN/Razor77.
v5.5c Update
Fixed blank classes in Apex - thanks C][G GhostTown™.
v5.5b Update
Fixed duplicated optics and missing rifle in NIA mod plus typo in install instructions - thanks C][G GhostTown™.
v5.5 Update
Removed ExtendedBaseMod from custom to its own mod folder for ease of update (used default files inside mod including names).
v5.4 Update
Added NIArms mod - Thanks to Tobias Solem for the help
v5.3 Update
Added missing APEX vehicles
v5.2 Update
Added RHS GREF mod
1.0.0 Update
New Exile trader: Diving
A3 Headgear is no longer required as it has now been put into the Exile default trader
Apex addons done as separate file and load
CfgTraders also now in separate file
added missing 2 Exile items: Exile_Item_Heatpack, Exile_Item_MacasCheese
comented out CUPW CUP_arifle_Sa58RIS2_des as it seems to be broken
****** Added Jonzie thanks to XxFri3ndlyxX ******
****** Added HAP thanks to XxFri3ndlyxX ******
****** Thanks to XxFri3ndlyxX for fix to RHSW ******
****** Fixed duplicate B_OutdoorPack_Base listing ******
****** Fixed duplicate B_Kitbag_rgr listing ******