
MarkYourTask or Task Tracker is a web-based application that helps individuals to keep track of their daily tasks, deadlines, status, priority and progress. It is designed to simplify the task management process, enhance productivity, and ensure timely completion of tasks.

MIT LicenseMIT


Visit here or click on link https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7055949977126141952/ to see vedio preview of project.


MarkYourTask or Task Tracker is a web-based application that helps individuals to keep track of their daily tasks, deadlines, status, priority and progress. It is designed to simplify the task management process, enhance productivity, and ensure timely completion of tasks. The Task Tracker provides users with a user-friendly interface to add, view, edit, and delete tasks, set task priorities, status and deadlines.


The Task Tracker offers various features, including:

  • User Registration.

  • Registration Validation

  • User Authentication.

  • Dashboard/UI to Add, List and to have detailed look at task.

  • Task Management to update and delete the task.

  • Save users detail and tasks as per users unique ID.

Technology Stack:

The Task Tracker is built using the following technologies:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JSP.
  • Backend: Java, Servlet.
  • Database: MySQL
  • ORM: Hibernate.


The Task Tracker is a useful tool for individuals to manage their daily tasks and ensure timely completion of tasks. It provides an easy-to-use interface, task management, and more. The Task Tracker is a great addition to the productivity tools for businesses, teams, and individuals.

Visit here or click on link https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7055949977126141952/ to see vedio preview of project.

Note:- This project is completed with all topics/features mentioned above. In future, I have to work on many other features to implement like notifications(via mail/message queue), multi-level authorization, etc. so, to implement those features, learning new topics and framworks(Spring).