python >= 3.6
pip3 lts
create a virtual environment and update pip and wheel
python3 -m venv <venvname>
source <venvname>/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -U wheel
install package. one can find the releases here
pip install greenclothaway-<release_version>-py3-none-any.whl
mv <venvname>/lib/python3.8/site-packages/website/ <venvname>/lib/python3.8/site-packages/website/
in this you now have to add a django secret key. you can create a secret key by this python oneliner :
python -c 'from import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'
for a development server any random 50 character long string will do. also if you want to use another database then the default(sqlite) you have to configure it here.
after that you will have to create a superuser and migrate django database stuff and all. makemigrations migrate createsuperuser
the command will be available in your virtual environment after the installation.
now you are all set to turn on your testserver on localhost runserver
if you want to run this application on a productive server you will have to set up a webserver and configure it according to djangos how to, but thats on you dude!